Meeting One Direction and Taylor

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Sorry I didn't update yesterday my mum took my laptop away from me so I couldn't update I am so sorry! Thanks to everyone that reads it means a lot and please comment and keep voting I have 200+ reads!!!! That is amazing Omg thank you all so much!!!!  By the way that is Charlie on the side>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Love You all 

Lorna xxx

Harry's POV

We were sitting in the room waiting for the lucky winners to come in when a little boy about 3 or 4 I think came in screaming, "I'm actually sitting in the same room as Zayn Malik. Help me!" He ran up to Zayn and sat on his lap and started telling Zayn all about himself, "Im called Charlie Jones, I'm 4 years old and I have two big sisters called..."  

He got interrupted when a girl came running in the room. Im sure I have seen her somewhere probably in the crowd somewhere anyway she started talking and I could see Niall staring, "Charlie don't ever run off like that again! I hate running, I hate exercise!" 

"But I knew the way and you four were being lazy and not going quickly and I wanted to see Zayn!" He argued. He is the cutest 4 years old ever!

"I don't care your sister is refusing to come in," She said glancing at Taylor and I, "and then when I'm helping Jessie and Shannon you run off and I have to run and catch you and like I said I hate exercise!"

"Why won't Lolly come?" Charlie asked. I wonder who Lolly is? (A/N Charlie calls Lottie; Lolly because when he was little he couldn't pronounce the t's and the name stuck)

"Would you like me to go and get her?" I asked wondering why this Lolly person wouldn't come.

"No it's fine she will be here soon Oh and I'm Lorna," Lorna said.

"Hi Lorna!" We all chorused.

"can you please look after Charlie while I go get her?" Lorna pleaded.

"Yeah, a baby to play with!" Louis screamed and ran over to Charlie. I laughed and Lorna left the room laughing. "I'm not a baby I'm 4!" Charlie shouted obviously mad.

"Ok, ok big boy to play with!" Louis shouted and Charlie smiled.

A girl stumbled into the room followed by Lorna and two other girls. She looked up and we locked eyes and I suddenly knew where I had seen Lorna before at the mall. That is why she didn't want o come because of Taylor. All the feelings I had managed to bottle up all came to the surface. I felt Taylor's hand hold mine in a death grip and she looked like she was going to murder someone. The other boys had a look of recognition on their faces as they recognised her. I have seen them all before apart from Charlie and a ginger girl who looked shy.

“Sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I am…..” Charlotte said getting interrupted by Charlie.

“I want to do it!!!”

“Ok Charlie,” Charlotte sighed.

“Yay! Yay! Well that is Lolly!” He said pointed to Charlotte.

“I’m Charlotte but you can call me Lottie” Charlotte cut in.

“They will call you Charlotte, you don’t deserve a nickname!” Taylor hissed. All the boys were glancing between them, seeing what was going to happen next.

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