getting to know each other and movies

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  • Dedicated to Zayn for being so damn sexy!

Lottie's POV

"Shannon please stay we will be staying for a while aswell please!!!" Jessie whined.

"We would love it if you stayed!" Eleanor said then gasped, "Oh my god we can have a girl night! and get to know each other better!"

"That would be great!" Lorna squealed. I bet she just wanted to be around Niall longer.

"Fine I will stay as well!" Shannon sighed smiling.

"Yay!!!" everyone yelled apart from taylor who mumbled, "Great!" under her breath.

"Be nice," Harry hissed at her.

"Come on girls!" Eleanor dragged us up to what I think is a basement. It had couches, beanbags and comfy things to sit on.

It had a massive TV infront of the room.

"So want to watch a movie?" Eleanor asked.

"Sure!" Lorna said running to the massive cupboard full of DVDs. Charlie had gone with Zayn and Perrie for a walk hopefully where no fans or paparazzi see them. Zayn promised the would go somewhere where there is about 0.000001 chance of papparazzi seeign them and even if the paparazzi found them which is most unlikely Zayn confirmed that he will do anything in his will to keep Charlie safe! I made him swear on his life because if anyone hurts my family shit goes down!

Lorna found a DVD and put it in the DVD player we saw that she put in The Lion King, i swear she is in love with that movie she once watched it 10 times in a row only stopping to get food.

Once it was done Jessie wanted to choose a movie but I know what she picked before she even took it out the cupboard. Batman.

After that I picked a movie. I love horror movies and I know Lorna gets so scared. I chose You're Next as I haven't seen that one yet and it looks really good. Lorna glanced at the DVD box and hid her head i the pillow before it even started, "Awww is little Lorna scared does she need Niall!" I taunted pretending to go over and get Niall from upstairs she ran to me as fast as lightening and pulled me onto the couch.

 "Has someone got a crush?" Shannon asked. I haven't know her for long but I like this kid!

We all started watching the movie making fun of Lorna all the way through it till the end where she was screaming her head off about how scary it was. The boys apart from Harry who was probably out with Taylor, must have heard because they all rushed downstairs to see us rolling around on the floor laughing our heads off while Lorna was lying across the couch with her head in the pillow screaming.

Niall rushed over to her. I bet he likes her they are both so obvious about liking each other but they just don't realise it yet. "I think that's enough scary movies for tonight!" Jessie managed to speak in between her laughs.

"Let's play 20 questions!" Louis screamed. Now this would be funner if we didn't know everylittle thing about the boys including their blood types and penis sizes I mean i saw a picture once with all their penis sizes I didn't look it up honest.

"Ok then!" I screamed.

"Fine! Shannon Are You A Fan Of One Direction?!" Louis screamed, god I am sure my ears are probably going to burst first with all the screaming fans at the concert and know Louis.

"Obviously otherwise she wouldn't have been at the concert think Louis!" Eleanor told him jokingly.

"I don't think it's just run and go for Louis the Tommo Tomlinson!" Louis said back.

"Yes I am a massive fan I love your music and everything!" Shannon gushed. She obviously loved them with all her heart but their was something else in her eyes. I am not sure what though.

"Ok, Shannon, Do you go to college?" Jessie asked.

"Hey I want to be asked!" Louis whined.

"One minute! Shannon has to answer first!" Eleanor told Louis scolding him.

"Yes I go to Uxbridge college," Shannon answered.

"Oh my god we go there too!!!!" I screamed.

"God I swear you two are going to burst my eardrums!" Jessie and Liam said at the same time to Louis and I. I am so happy that she goes to the same collage as us. That is amazing or should I say amaZAYN. haha I am soo funny!

"Someone ask me now!" Louis shouted/whined.

"Ok Louis I will ask you!!" I shouted hugging him. Just to get this clear I do not have any feelings for Louis only friendship feelings.

"Yay!!" Louis screamed right in my ear while i was hugging him.

"Louis what do you like best about Eleanor?" I asked smiling.

"Well she has that One thing but also has all the little things so I can't choose as I love everything about her," Louis replied kissing Eleanor on the lips.

"No PDA!" Zayn shouted coming downstairs with Charlie and Perrie.

"Oooh kissy wissy bleh!" Charlie shouted.

"I am going to ask Zayn something!" Lorna shouted. "Do you have any food?"

"No but I'm sure Niall will share some with you!" Zayn says winking at Charlie who burst out laughing.

"What have you been telling him?" Lorna demanded putting her hands on her hips.

"Emmmm....Hey it's not my turn to answer this question I just had a go!" Zayn covered up.

"Allright, Charlie what has he been telling you?" Lorna turned to Charlie pointing at Zayn.

"He said that you love Niall!" Charlie said laughing.

"Zayn!" Perrie said whacking him on the back of the head playfully.

"Have you all seen Toy Story?" Liam asked.

"Yes!" Eveyone chorused but Shannon said, "Only the first one,"

"Oh no Shannon you have to see it coe watch it with us this is an emergancy! Everyone help us!" Jessie screamed.

"Calm your tits woman! I am sure you all can come over tomorrow and we can borrow it off Liam!" Eleanor told us. Eleanor is officially one of my best friends as is Shannon.

"Woo! I can't wait to see it I haven't seen it in so long!" Jessie cheered.

"I thought you saw it last night with Liam!" Lorna said glancing at Niall and they both fell on the floor laughing about something that happened last night when they walked in on Jessie and Liam or something like that! I will never understand them two!

"Yeah but that was almost 12 whole hours ago! you can't go 12 hours without Toy Story!" Jessie exclaimed.

"I'm home!" We heard Harry come in through the door and Jessie, Lorna, Shannon and I all started rambling excuses aout how we had to go and we would be bcak another day.

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