The Final Piece of Evidence

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I have some rather bad news. There is only two more chapters of My Sister, TaylorSwift. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I liked writing it! :) Best comment gets a dedication.

Love you all

Lorna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jessie's POV

Eleanor and I colapsed back on the sofa and I reached for the remote and flicked the TV on.

"Charlotte Jones has now been missing for-" I flicked the channel.

"Fans have decided on leaving One Direction alone because of the missing of Charlotte Jones," the TV presenter said and showed a picture of all of usoutside the hospital and a few fans looking at us.

"I didn't even see them there," I said.

"When are you going on another date with Liam?" Eleanor asked.

"We decided not to do it while Lottie's missing," I said.

"let me talk to him I mean no fan will come up to you," Eleanor said.

"You don't have to i'm fine," I told her.

"No I am going to talk to him!" Eleanor said. I flicked the channel again.

"Only 4 members at One Direction concert where is Harry? Suspected rumors of his and Charlotte's relationship before come to the surface. Maybe he's distraught over her missing?" I turned the TV off.

"Are we all they talk about?" I asked.

"Well Lottie's missing is a big thing," Eleanor said.

"Doesn't mean they have to talk about it 24/7!" I said now angry.

"jessie calm down," Eleanor said.

"No! One of my best friends is missing and I don't even know if she wants to be my friend anymore!! Why didn't I hang out with her more! I am a horrible friend!" I started crying.

"Jessie. No you aren't if you were a horrible friend you wouldn't have got mad over this. You are an amazing friend," eleanor tried to console me.

"No! If she dies I will NEVER forgive myself!"  I yelled.

"jessie we are all sad why don't you go to bed I will make you some hot chocolate and you can get some sleep,"

"That won't help find her will it!?" I yelled.

"Come on to bed the police are doing everything they can," Eleanor picked me up and lead me to my bed where I collapsed on it emotionally and physically exhausted. 

"I will go make you some hot chocolate ok," Eleanor said but I was already half asleep.

Eleanor's POV

I walked back in to find Jessie asleep. I decided to go on twitter as I hadn't in a while. I looked at what was trending and saw #findlottie and #helpthe1Dboysfindlottie. I smiled to myself and looked at my twitter which was full of messages saying how sorry they were but one caught my eye.

'If it helps (probably not) but I saw Taylor Swift and two other men standing outside an abandoned building talking quietly and stopped immediantly when i went up to them. I have photos if you would care to look at them?'

I replied:

'Yes please could you please give me the address of this place?'

We talked to and fro her giving me details about this place along with Taylor and the two men. I recognised one and realised it was the one in that magazine with Shannon. How could I be so stupid of course Taylor was behind this!!! I feel so stupid and as a I'm sorry thing I will get the truth drummed into everyone's head. I feel so bad!!! I am a horrible person.

I thanked the fan promising she could meet the boys and us for about an hour or something and I would message her when we got something sorted out before calling the police and the rest of the girls and boys telling them we'd meet them there.

I drove Jessie and myself to the designated area just before the police turned up in numbers then after 2 minutes everyone was there.

Lottie's POV

Taylor had come into the room I was in and just as she was about to say something we heard some cars pull up outside. Maybe they have come to save me I thought i was going to be stuck in here forever. Don't get hopeful they are probably just stopping because their child's carsick or something. We both listened and a few minutes later a few more.

"what is going on!" growled Taylor stalking out the room. I tried to stand up but I was too weak. I tried to use my voice but all that came out was a croaky groan. I heard a bang and crash before everything went silent. I managed to heave myself up and crawl over to the door where I opened it and saw everyone there and Taylor and the two other guys were on the floor unconcious. I looked up and I met Harry's eyes. They gave me enough strength to not care that everyone was watching but jump up at harry and press my lips urgently against his kissing him passionately before going unconcious from lack of food and water in his arms.

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