Chap. 46

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Here's your update this Sunday!! I went to see Frozen a few weeks ago in December I love disney so much Frozen is one of my favourite movies!!! Remember if you comment you get a dedication! :D

Love you all

Lorna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I woke up and looked to the left where Harry's naked body was sleeping peacefully. If you're wondering if we did it last night then you're right. It was amazing.

"Hey," Harry whispered.

"Hey," I whispered back. He pecked my lips.

"Was it okay?" he asked nervously.

"It was amazing," I answered kissing him on the lips.

"Did I hurt you too much?" Harry started wondering.

"It hurt a bit at the start but got better now stop worrying," I whispered kissing his lips.

"Are you sure-" I cut him off with a kiss on the lips.

"It was perfect harry stop worrying," I said.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"It's okay now I need to get my clothes and go for a shower so could you cover your eyes?" I asked.

"I've seen you naked before," Harry stated. I blushed.

"And maybe we could even shower together to save water?" Harry suggested cheekily. He was in a perverted mood this morning!

"Another time," I said winking, "Now could you cover your eyes while I get my clothes,"

"Nope," Harry said popping the 'p' and smirking at me. I quickly ran out of bed grabbed a towel wrapped it around myself and walked to my suitcase and picked out some jeans and a top then went to the bathroom. I got in the shower and started washing myself when I felt someone's arms around my waist.

"Harry!I thought I told you no," I said pretending to sound annoyed.

"Yeah but you want me here don't you?" Harry asked cheekily knowing the answer. I grumbled at him. He started kissing my neck.

"Ready fr round 2?" He whispered seductively in my ear.

About an hour later we were finally out the shower. I got dressed and dried my hair. I was about to walk out when I glanced in the mirror. Oh shit I have love bites on my neck!

"Harry," I called. He came in just sweatpants and I couldn't keep my eyes off his toned torso.

"Yes?" he asked making me pull my eyes away from his torso. By the look on his face he knew what I was looking at, "Did you bring me in here so you could stare at my body or another reason?"

"Yeah what am i going to do about these?" I asked guesturing to my neck.

"Cover them?" Harry suggested.

"I feel stupid now,"I laughed.

"Luckily you have me the brainiest person in the world," Harry boasted.

"Don't get cocky now!" I laughed.

"Well I am going to put a shirt on then go down and get some breakfast cause it's 1 in the afternoon and the boys will be wondering where we are (A/N Where we are!!)," Harry said, "Come down when you're ready I'll miss ya!"

"Miss you too bye," I said.

"Don't I get a goodbye kiss?" Harry said pouting.

"Fine," I said kissing him on the lips.

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