Introductions | PureSimpleVideos

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"Hi. I'm Abigail Clover and welcome to my YouTube channel," I say, smiling excitedly and nervously.

"I've always liked the idea of having my own little space on the Internet, which is why I started a blog in 2011. Unexpectedly I gained an online following but for many years I was too scared to show my face," I pause, visibly taking a deep breath.

"I'm not anymore and I want to make videos as well because videos can show something photos can't and vice versa. I hope you want to join me on this journey that I'm about to embark on," I continue, hoping that people are actually as excited as I am.

"Some of you might have come here from my blog post, if that is the case welcome my dear reader and I hope you enjoy this extra content – I promise not to neglect my blog, it's still my first baby," I say because not mentioning the many people, who followed my blog first seems wrong.

"For those of you that don't know me, I guess I should introduce myself; I'm 21 years old, originally from Brighton but have been living in London since 2013. I love taking photos, reading and cuddling up on the sofa. I have lots of opinions that I'm far better at expressing through written words than in person. Maybe that'll change as I get used to filming videos, who knows?" I ask, raising my hands in a questioning manner besides me.

"Welcome to my channel and I hope you decide to stick with me. Have a lovely day."

I tilt my head, shutting my eyes with a tight smile and waving them off.


And with that we're starting the third and potentially last book in my YouTuber?! series. As always making an entirely new book is daunting but I have high hopes for this. I hope you liked Abbey's short little introduction video. A proper chapter will be coming next Saturday as I'm sticking to my regular upload schedule from the previous book. Happy New Year!

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