Chapter 33: Sunrises and poignant music

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I wasn't usually one to get up super early and leave the house. I liked lounging around, slowly getting ready to face the day after eating breakfast and catching up on YouTube videos. But the one thing that could get me out of bed was the opportunity for a great photo.

As many others, I adored sunset and sunrise photos when they were captured right. I tended to have more photos of the former and not so many of the latter. But I wanted to do a blog post about the difference in the light of them.

Sunset always seemed softer, gentler – like falling asleep. It was a gradual change of seeing the light slowly leave the sky.

Sunrise was different. At one very moment the sunrise would break, illuminating the dull, sleeping sky abruptly.

Nate had insisted on going with me because he was due a meeting at Gleam fairly early anyway and I had accidentally woken him up when I had gotten ready. But obviously catching a 6 AM sunrise still made him have lots of time to spare.

"Welcome to the vlog that I'm starting at a quarter to five. Yes, you heard me right," Nate said to his vlogging camera before turning it on me.

I smiled innocently.

"This one is up early to take photos of the sunrise," he said and yawned behind camera.

"No one told you to come," I said with a shake of the head and a guilty grimace.

I hadn't forced him to come along and I knew he was only teasing but I still didn't like that it might come across as me forcing him awake on the vlog. I had gotten used to the scrutinization that came along with being on camera by now but I was still slightly weary of it.

"Nah, but you promised me breakfast, so how could I say no to that?" he asked with a grin. Patch got up from his bed next to ours and shook his entire being enthusiastically before stretching.

"Good boy, Patch," I told our dog. "He's more enthusiastic than you. I told you that you can get a sick time-lapse if we make it there in time for you to set up your camera."

Nate perked up at that. He must have forgotten in his hazy, just-woken-up mind. He started moving around with more purpose and we were left our flat not five minutes later.

We were walking down dead streets. Had it been the weekend, we'd probably run it to a lot of drunk people heading home but no one seemed crazy enough to go drinking on a Tuesday. I mean some people probably did but we didn't run into any of them.

I pulled Nate along, rushing towards the spot in the park that I had picked out, camera at the ready. Nate positioned his camera for a time lapse and then we sat down and waited.

Capturing something so beautiful on photos and video was great but it didn't really top the real thing. There was something about the way the air was crisp and it was a bit cold even if spring would be here properly soon. Nate snuck a hand around my back and Patch rested his head on my knee. None of us spoke.

I held the camera poised in front of my eyes, ready for that split second that the photo would be perfect. After only ten minutes of waiting, I had my shot of the sun breaking the horizon and showering the park in light. I also had a few before and after, which would tie-in nicely with the blog post.

Nate checked his time-lapse as soon as I announced that I had gotten the photo. Someone else might have complained for being dragged out of bed this early for just a split-second photo but not Nate, even if he did love to tease me. He had signed up for my crazy long ago.

"Let's head back," I told him and swooped my arm under his after scratching Patch behind the ear.

"Not a lot of places will be open yet," he noted sadly. "I mean a bakery probably will but you can't really sit there."

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