Chapter 12: Proper Natigail collabs

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On my flight home, where I had been flying entirely on my own, I had submerged myself into editing not to get to nervous. Connor had been an actual sweetheart and dropped me at the airport and followed me all the way in. But I need to do the flying in itself on my own as well as all the internal airport stuff. I had arranged for Kristina to come pick me up on the other end, so I was taken care of. Still, the long haul flight on my own had been a bit boring, more so that nerve-wracking, and it made me miss Nate so much more. I almost always travelled with him.

However, I had spent my time wisely working on something that had been underway for quite a while. I hadn't told Nate what I had intended to do with all those small clips that I had filmed of us, whether it be us cuddling on the sofa, him walking in front of me with his hand in mine, us having a skate around on the polished floor in our socks, having dinner together, him doing the dishes and me putting them away, etc. He hadn't objected once while it had been going on, as he was so used to vlogging that he didn't make a big note of me filming small snippets.

I had edited together a beautiful video of all the small snippets of our everyday life. I had found an instrumental song to play as background music but also written small appreciations over certain shots. I hoped that people would see what I saw if I were to upload it; a show of the smallest and simplest things two people did together and yet how happy I was to have found someone to share my life with. I had returned home before Nate but when he arrived home from Playlist Live, I was bursting to tell him about it.

"I have something to show you," I told Nate when he woke up from the nap he had taken after returning home from the airport. It had been killing me to even wait that long but he had been a bit delirious when he had landed.

He yawned. "What?" he asked sleepily and snuggled up next to me on the sofa and rested his head on my chest, very close to my heart.

"I edited a video on the plane home," I said softly, almost scared to speak loudly to the gorgeous boy in my arms, who still seems so tired.

"Hmm..." he hummed. "The one featuring your brother or the one Connor helped you with?"

I had really been on a row with shooting videos lately. I was getting more into making videos and falling more and more in love with it. To think I had once thought that I would never make videos.

"No, not those. Another one I've had in the works for a while. One featuring you," I told him and gently traced my fingers through his hair.

He frowned and looked up at me, confused.

"When did we film a video together? Have jetlag really fried my brain that much?" he asked in the most adorable way.

"No," I said and chuckled. My chest moved as I laughed and Nate snuggled up closer. He loved the feeling of my chest vibrating with laughter because he felt it was one of the purest feelings in the world; to hug someone you love while they're happy. That had, of course, made it into the video.

"But don't you remember that I sometimes got my camera out when we were just doing stuff?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said and peaked up at me.

"Well, I edited it into a video I've been thinking about making for a long time. You're such a big part of my life and yet I have been reluctant to put you on my channel. I know you think I'm silly, but I didn't want people to think I was exploiting our relationship to build a YouTube channel..."

"Abbs," Nate interrupted me. "If someone would think that they're stupid and they clearly don't know you very well."

"I know," I said, smiling that he was always so quick to defend me, even to me. That was another aspect that had also made it into the video. "I'm not so bothered by that anymore. I've grown thicker skin and it's done me good. What I was getting at... is that I want to have you on my channel. So I've made a video with you, using clips from these last three months. I'm quite happy with how it turned out."

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