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Chapter Three

"Kimberley Walsh!" Something hard smacks down in front of me and I jerk to life, my eyes wide open. My English teacher is glaring down at me angrily, eyes wide like a bullfrog.


"Is there a reason why you are falling asleep in MY class?" She growls. I shrug.

"It's boring?" I can hear everyone around me laughing loudly and she slams her ruler on my desk again.

"Be quiet, all of you! Kimberley, I was willing to give you a reprieve for wearing your uniform inappropriately, but this is the last straw! Go to the principal's office. Now!" I get up with a sigh, slinging my bag over my shoulder and walking out without a backward glance. I don't see anything wrong with my uniform. Just because I'm wearing the tie loose and my skirt is a little higher...

I'm walking down the empty hallway toward my locker when I hear the door open behind me.

"Miss Roberts, get back here!" I grin widely as I hear the door slam shut and footsteps rush after me. I turn, walking backwards and she grins at me, winking once.

"Good to see falling down the stairs hasn't gotten rid of your sense of humor." I laugh loudly as I come to a stop in front of a water tap and Nicola leans against the wall beside me, her arms crossed over her chest and a smirk on her face.

"Eh, it's not my fault she sounds like a robot when she talks." She chuckles, flipping her bright red hair over her shoulder, but her bright blue eyes are filled with concern.

"Are you sure you're okay, Kimberley?" She asks softly. I drink from the tap slowly, refusing to meet her gaze.

Nicola and I aren't exactly best friends, but we're not enemies either. We just tend to check up on each other every once in a while. But I like her. She never asks me for a story, or demands to know what's happened. She only ever asks me if I'm okay, and leaves it at that.

"Yeah, fine." I mumble, wiping my mouth. And she nods once, letting it go. The bell rings loudly and I sigh.

"I guess I can leave the principal's office now." She laughs and shakes her head.

"You know one day, they aren't gonna be so lenient on you!" I shrug and walk away.

"Leniency isn't my forte! My entire life has been a challenge!" She shakes her head at me again, sighing and I wave at her.

"See you tomorrow, Roberts!"

"Sure thing, Walsh!" 


"How was school?" 

I don't reply, chewing on my peas quietly. Cindy looks at me nervously and Robert takes a swig of his beer, his eyes still on me. 

He sets his beer down on the table and I look down at my dinner, my stomach rolling with butterflies.  I know I shouldn't antagonize him, but he's been staring at the bruises on my face all day with a smug look, as if it's an accomplishment he's proud of.

"Hey-" He leans forward and then he shoves my head, almost knocking me off my chair. I grip the table for support tightly.

"I asked you a question-"

"Robert!" Cindy's voice is shaking and I glare at her before she can say anything else. Does she want to end up like me?

"It was fine." I spit out. He watches me intently for a second, then he smiles at me, laughing.

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