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Chapter Fourteen

"And in other news-"

"I'm gonna get you-"

"Alex, stop-"

"Bombing in-"

"I'll always love you, Roger-"

"Why is there nothing on TV?" Cindy growls, flicking through the channels again. I rub my temples, gritting my teeth, but say nothing.

I know we're both on edge. Waiting, hoping. We've heard nothing from the adoption agency. Not a peep. And it's been two days since Robert's arrest.

I need to know. I need to know if I'm being shipped off to another family. I need to know so I can pack my bags and disappear. Because I refuse. I refuse to go to another family, refuse to have that file the Orphanage has on me grow any bigger.

"Kimberley, why don't you call Cheryl?" Cindy whispers. I shake my head instantly.

"She's working. I don't want to disturb her." I mumble. Cindy bites her lip, watching me intently but I keep my eyes on the TV. I don't want to call Cheryl because I know the hope is fading. We're both anxious, and if the agency decided I'm not getting an emancipation, I'll never see her again.

I bite my fingernails, the nerves getting to me. Cindy continues flicking through the channels and I get up, walking into my room and shutting the door behind me. 

It doesn't hit me how much of a mistake this is until I'm standing in front of my bed, looking at the cracked mirror next to my closet, my heart racing.

I get out and walk to the front door, Cindy's eyes on me.

"Where are you going?"

"I need air. I'll be back soon." I close the door behind me and make my way to the train station, lighting a cigarette and puffing on it anxiously. I haven't smoked in days because of Cheryl's asthma, but right now I feel like I'm in heaven smoking the little cancerous stick. I can forget everything that happened, just focus on breathing in the toxic fumes...

 I sit on the benches in front of the train, sitting up on the back of the bench and resting my feet on the seat of the bench. The sun is setting over the horizon and I watch it go down, ignoring the trains rattling past behind me.

I can't get it out of my mind. And every time I think about it, I feel like about to break. It's always what if. What if Cindy never hit him over the head with the pan? Would he have still gone through with it?

I can feel bile in the back of my throat.

He's gone, Kimberley. He can't hurt you anymore...

"Walsh? What are you doing here?" I jump in shock and turn. Nicola walks toward me, a small smile on her face. Her face is still slightly bruised and I frown before remembering what happened at school. It feels like a million years ago.

"Oh, hey. Nothing, just watching the sun set. What are you doing here?" She shrugs, sitting down on the bench beside my feet.

"Nothing, just got back from work, I'm heading home."

"Where do you work?" I ask.

"Small cafe shop in the city." I nod once, sucking on my cigarette again and blowing the smoke out with a sigh. She bites her lip, looking up at me.

"You have more bruises." She says simply. I shrug.

"I ran into a wall."

"You're pretty clumsy, huh?"

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