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Chapter Twenty Two


I feel like slapping myself at the heat rising in my cheeks, but I can't help it. I'm completely starstruck.  Sarah laughs and rushes forward, pulling me into a hug.

"Aww, Chez, your girlfriend's shy, you should've told her we were coming!"

"I didn't even know you were in town!" Cheryl exclaims. I look at her in shock.

She told them about us?

Patch barks and runs up to Nadine, who coos softly and picks him up.

"Aww, how cute! What's his name?"

"Patch." I say breathlessly. She smiles at me, perfect white teeth glowing.

"Hi, I'm Nadine!" Nadine hugs me as well and I pat her back awkwardly. Cheryl laughs and shakes her head and Sarah sits down, patting the spot beside her.

"So, how did you and Chez meet?" She asks, waggling her eyebrows. I chuckle nervously and sit down beside her, still slightly in shock.

"We've kind of known each other since we were kids." I say, looking at Cheryl fondly. Sarah suddenly lets out a long "AWWWW" and Nadine laughs, sitting down beside me and sitting Patch in her lap.

"You are unbelievable, Sarah." She says, her thick Derry accent making me laugh. 

"I still can't believe Chezza's lezza! She never told us!" Sarah exclaims.

"I'm not a lesbian, Sarah I Kimberley!" Cheryl says, blushing. I laugh and Sarah grins widely at me.

"What about you?" She says, nudging me. I shrug.

"I'm kind of the same." I say, grinning at Cheryl. Nadine rolls her eyes and shoves Sarah playfully.

"Aye, stop being so nosy! They're clearly happy together, that's what matters!"

"Of course, I know!" Sarah exclaims.

"You guys want something to drink or eat?" Cheryl asks, chuckling to herself.

"No thanks, babe." Sarah says, leaning back in her seat. Nadine shakes her head and I simply smile at Cheryl.

"Nah, I'm good."

"So, you're planning on getting a place in the city?" Sarah asks Cheryl. She nods.

" office is there, so I might as well."

"I always wondered why you decided to move here. It seems like a smarter thing to just get a place close to work." Nadine says, frowning.

"Cheryl's not too smart, clearly." Sarah teases. Cheryl pokes her tongue out at her.

"I'm smart enough to decorate your home, aren't I?" Sarah laughs and nods.


"How did you meet Cheryl?" I ask Nadine. She smiles.

"I was at the Grammy's when I met Sarah. She was presenting an award and we bumped into each other on the red carpet. We started talking and I mentioned I was getting a new house. She told me about Cheryl and well...the rest is history, I guess." She says, chuckling lightly. I nod, smiling to myself and look at Cheryl, who winks at me.

"Told you I'm good."

It surprises me how easy Sarah and Nadine are to get along with, and it starts to hit me that I'm talking to two of the biggest people in the UK right now.

We spend the rest of the evening talking, and I realize how incredibly normal they are. It's strange, because I'm so used to seeing them on television, but now they're just regular people like me and Cheryl, sitting with friends and chatting and enjoying themselves.

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