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Chapter Seventeen

The nightmares get to me again.

Despite my happiness, my euphoria over finally admitting my feelings to Cheryl, I still dream about it.

And I wake up with a gasp, sweat pouring down my face. Cheryl's still crashed out beside me, her head burrowed into her pillow. Patch is also fast asleep in his little doggy mattress in the corner of the room.

I slide out of the bed as carefully as I can and rush to the closet, digging around for the pack of smokes at the bottom. 

As soon as my fingers close around the rectangle pack, I leave the room and walk outside into the balcony. The cold air hits me, causing goosebumps to erupt on my bare legs almost instantly. I shiver involuntarily and light a smoke, sucking in the toxic fumes eagerly.

I can feel my entire body relax as soon as I get that hit of tobacco. I look out at the streetlights in front of me. I can see the city up ahead from here, but it's faint. I can barely see the buildings, but I can see the lights. Bright and shining. 

I can't live like this. I can't sleep. Every time I dream, it's him. Him and his clammy hands grabbing at me...

I can feel myself gasping for air, sweat pouring down my face again. I can't escape him. It's like I can feel his hands on me again-

"Kimberley?" I jump in shock at the sound of my name and the cigarette I'm holding drops onto my forearm, burning me.

"Fcuk!" I grab it and toss it away from me over the balcony, gripping my forearm. Cheryl rushes over, her eyes wide in shock.

"What happened?" She grips my forearm, looking down at the cherry red burn mark on my skin.

"I...I just needed a smoke-"

"Come inside, it's freezing out here. Let's take a look at this..." She drags me back inside and into the kitchen. She turns the tap on and drags my arm under it. The cool water immediately soothes the burn and I sigh in content. She brushes my hair back from my face.

"I didn't know you smoked..." She says, chuckling. I bite my lip, looking at her sheepishly.

"Uh well, yeah...I do. But I just wanted to stop for you, because of your asthma. But I just...was really craving one..." I trail off, not wanting to tell her about my nightmares.

But she reads me like an open book.

"Did you have a bad dream again?" She whispers softly. I bite my lip and she wraps her arms around my neck. I can feel tears building in my eyes as she strokes my hair softly.

"Kimberley, what do you dream about? They just seem terrify you so much." She whispers. I shake my head, pulling away from her.

"Nothing, just...things." I lie. She frowns and I look away from her. I can't tell her. No way. How the hell do I tell her something like that? That the night I left her, Robert almost...

"I'm okay. Just bad dreams..." 

"Are you sure?" I smile as best as I can and nod.

"Yeah...let's go back to bed." 


It isn't long before I'm woken again. But this time by the sound of deep coughing.

I sit up slowly, looking beside me.

My heart drops instantly.

Cheryl's gasping for breath, her lips blue and sweat pouring down her face.

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