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Chapter Twenty Seven

Cheryl's watching me intently and I look up from my bowl of cereal to meet her gaze, frowning.

"Something wrong?"

"Are you sure you're okay with doing all this?" She says. I laugh and nod once.

"Cheryl, I've told you a million times that I'm fine with it. Abbie's actually...really awesome." 

"I know but, I just can't shake the feeling that you're only doing this because you want to help out with bills and-" I put a finger to her lips to quiet her.

"Well, shake it, because that's not why I'm doing this." She sighs, but smiles and leans in, kissing me.

"I'll drop you off before I go to work. I might be a little late to pick you up, I'm working on something for someone important."

"Oooh! Who?" I say, grinning cheekily. Cheryl bites her lip to hide her grin, but she fails miserably.

"Possibly...David and Victoria Beckham." My spoon clatters against my bowl and my mouth drops open.

"Holy. Fcuking. Sh*t." I whisper. She laughs loudly and leans in, kissing my cheek.

"Possibly! If they like what I have to offer, they'll hire me. If not, well..."

"So you're going to meet them? Today?"

"No, I've just gotta pile together a kind of portfolio thingy for them to see, and then I'll get a call by the end of the week on whether or not I've got the job."

"Holy sh*t, Cheryl. This is massive!"

"I'm best friends with Nadine Coyle and Sarah Harding and you're saying THIS is massive?" She says, laughing. I shake my head.

"You're living the high life, aren't you?" I say, grinning. She wraps her arms around my neck and smiles softly.

"Yeah...because I'm with you." I smile and kiss her gently, but she sighs and pulls away.

"We should go."

"Yeah, alright." I gather Patch up in my arms and hug him close. 

"I still don't like the idea of him being all alone all day!" I say, sighing.

"I'll come and check on him in my break, babe. He'll be okay." Cheryl says, chuckling. I pout, but kiss his head and set him down on the ground. He's wagging his tail happily, but when we close the door behind us, his tail stops wagging for the split second before Cheryl closes the door.

"I'm gonna be thinking about him all day." I say, biting my lip.

"Gee thanks!" I laugh and wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me.

We get to the bakery ten minutes later and I wave Cheryl off before walking in. Abbie grins when she sees me.


"Hi. I'm not late, am I?"

"Nope, right on time! Come on in!" I grin and step into the kitchen, where the entire staff is lined up.


"Introductions! Guys, this is Kimberley! Kimberley...this is Steve-" She points to a large blonde guy on the left, who waves at me with a smile. "Rachel-" She points to the girl next to him, who grins at me and nods once. "Alex-" A young guy who looks not much older than me, with icy blue eyes that leave me staring at him in awe. "Sasha-" A gorgeous raven haired girl with eyes almost as blue as Alex's. "Nicole-" An older girl who waves at me with a smile. "Kate-" The girl I've seen behind the counter every day since I first found this place, who winks at me. "Eddie-" The guy who took charge yesterday, who salutes me. "Ben and Rupert." She points to the last two boys, who are identical twins. 

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