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Chapter Forty Five

"Kimberley, sweetie...come on. Eat something, yeah?" 

I sink my head back down into my arms, groaning in despair.

No Cheryl for another week. All trains out to London had been cancelled due to some train collapsing off the tracks. There were no passengers on board, luckily, but they were still clearing up the wreckage seventeen hours later, and there was no point in me catching a train there later on or driving because I'd barely even get to spend a day with Cheryl.

"I know this sucks, Kimberley, but-"

"I'm not hungry, Abbie." I grumble. She sighs and rubs my back sympathetically. 

"I'm sorry you're feeling so upset, sweetie. But really, you haven't eaten all day." Sasha suddenly skips toward us, whistling cheerily and she slams into a seat beside me, grinning widely.

"Come on you gloomy goose. Cheer up."

"Why should I? I don't get to see my girlfriend for another week. How would you feel if you didn't get to see Dimitri for a whole week?" I grumble.

"I didn't see Dimitri for a whole week, so I kinda understand what you're going through, yeah? You just gotta keep your spirits up." 

I feel bad for snapping at her, but I can't help it. I'm already going crazy missing her and this isn't making it any better. 

"Look, thanks, but...I think I'm just gonna go home." Abbie sighs, but nods, leaning back and allowing me to get up and leave.

" me if you need anything, okay?" I nod once and walk into the kitchen to get Patch from Abbie's office. We walk home together alone, with Patch sniffing almost everyone he passes. I walk into the apartment and pretty much head straight to my bedroom, where I throw on the shirt Cheryl left me and climb into bed with a sigh.

An entire week.

It isn't long before I shove my head into my pillow to muffle out the sound of my crying.


One Week Later


I ignore Nicola and practically fly out the door the second that final bell signalling the end of school rings. She's laughing, chasing me down the hallway and everyone's yelling as we shove past them.


"I NEED TO GET HOME AND PACK RIGHT NOW!" I shout back breathlessly. I don't break my pace, not even for a second. We get on the train and I can feel my heart about to collapse out of my throat, and Nicola is doubled over, panting, but I'm so excited, nothing matters.

"I-know-you're-excited-but-don't-do-that-again-" Nicola breathes out. I grin widely and jump on the spot.

"Come on train!" I growl. She laughs, shaking her head. 

The whole 10 minutes home, I'm buzzing. Nicola's watching me with wide eyes, laughing, and I'm just jumping up and down, dying to get home and pack my things.

"Don't you dare race out of here when those doors open-"

Too late. The second the doors open, I'm running again.

"KIMBERLEYYYY!" I laugh, pumping my legs a little slower so she can catch up. 

"SORRY NIC!" I eventually slow down to a fast walk when a stitch in my side causes me pain, and Nicola barrels into me.

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