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Chapter Fifteen

There's bile in the back of my throat again.

My stomach is continuously turning over, and I grip Cheryl's hand tightly. I look at her. She's green in the face, looking up at the building in front of us with a gaunt expression.

"I never thought I'd come back here." She whispers.

"It's just signing the papers and then we're out, right?" I say fiercely. She nods once and I nod as well.

"Let's just get it over with." 

My mind protests with each step, but my body keeps moving forward. The little bell that tolls above the door when I open it sends memories rushing through me like a floodgate. I can almost see miniature versions of me and Cheryl running down the hallways.

"Oh hasn't changed one bit." Cheryl whispers. I grit my teeth and keep walking until I reach the main office, refusing to acknowledge anything around me.

Sign the papers, get out. That's it.

"Yes?" The woman behind the counter asks.

"I'm here to see Miss Richards about an emancipation request." 

"One moment..." She gets up, disappearing through a door on the left and I hear Cheryl gasp behind me.

"Kimberley, come here..." I turn, looking at her in confusion. Her and Cindy are staring at a tackboard, and Cheryl's crying.

"They have photos of us." She says softly. I almost run toward her, eyes scanning the tackboard. Sure enough, there are three photos, all of me and Cheryl together, hugging each other tightly.

We look so innocent. Neither of us aware that we'd lose each other. Neither of us aware of the lives we would lead...

I can't look at them anymore. Can't bear to see myself so young and carefree...happy. The complete opposite of what I am now. A bruised and battered girl with no hopes or dreams for the future.

"Miss Richards will see you now." I look up just as the woman steps out of the door and returns to her counter. Cheryl's warm hands wrap in mine again.

"Come on." She whispers softly. I nod once, leading the way to Miss Richards office, my heart racing.

This is it. Emancipation. Freedom.

Miss Richards has gotten much older. There's gray in her hair now and wrinkles covering her eyes. She yawns tiredly and looks up at me, smiling without any emotion.

"Hello dear. The emancipation request is right here on the table. I'll get you and Mrs. Douglas to sign it please-"

I grab a pen instantly, scratching my signature into the paper. Cindy sighs, but smiles and bends down, signing her name on the dotted line.

"You sure about this, Kimberley?"


"Very well. Here's your copy of the legal documents. And yours." She hands me a bunch of papers and I take them, sighing.

"Don't be a stranger, Kimberley." I try my best to smile at her, but it turns into a grimace. 

I have no plans of coming back here ever again.

Cindy grips my hand tightly and we walk out. Miss Richards finally gets a good look at Cheryl, and her eyes go wide. She's about to call out but Cheryl closes the door behind us, then waves us forward anxiously.

"Go, go! I don't want to talk to her!" 

I chuckle despite myself and rush forward with Cindy. I hope into the backseat of Cheryl's car with her and she grips my hand, looking at me happily.

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