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Chapter Thirty Five

She's gone when I wake up the next morning. There's a note on her pillow though.

'Had to go in to work...finding out who's got the Beckham job...stay strong. I love you. xx'

I sigh and smack my head back down on the pillow. There's no way I can stay here at home by myself with just my thoughts. I can already feel the self-hatred and blame starting to build up inside me.

I throw the covers off myself and Patch suddenly barks and pads through the open door, jumping up on the bed with ease. He licks my face gently, tongue lolling out and I can't help but smile.

"I need to get out of here, Patch...but there's nowhere to go." I whisper, running my fingers through his fur. He barks and licks his nose.

I don't know what possesses me to do it, but I get up and shove jeans and a vest top on, then grab a jacket and put a leash on Patch before heading out the door and down to the streets below.

It isn't long before I'm in front of the Bakery.

I don't know why I'm here. I should be enjoying this last day of freedom before school starts again for me tomorrow. I shouldn't be spending it here, where I'm going to battle with myself about how I feel about Abbie.

But I just need someone. And this is an important for Cheryl, I'm not about to ruin it with my stupid parental issues...

I take a deep breath in and walk across the street, walking into the Bakery cautiously. Kate grins up at me widely.

"Hey, Kim!"

"Hi." I try my best to smile at her, but it probably looks like a grimace. Sasha comes running out of the kitchen at the sound of my name and barrels into me.

"Thank god! It's been so freaking hard to stay away from Dimitri without having someone to talk to!" She says in my ear. I wince. Part of me feels bad for abandoning her. Part of me feels like slapping her and telling her I don't really care about her and her stupid boyfriend right now.

"Kimberley?" My voice drops at the sound of her voice, and I turn to look at her. She's standing at the swinging door to the kitchen, her expression saddened and worried. She walks over to me slowly, and I stand there awkwardly, gripping Patch's leash tightly. 

"What's going on?" Sasha asks, looking between us both with worry. At this point, my heart is pounding in my throat now.

"I-I shouldn't have come, I'm leaving-" I turn on my heel, dragging Patch back to the door with me.

"Kimberley, don't!" Abbie races forward and grabs my arm. I feel a spark of electricity and anger pulsate through me the second her fingers make contact with my skin and I snap my head around to glare at her.

"Let go of me." I growl. 

"No! I'm not letting you walk out of here when you're like this!" She says fiercely. 

"I said let go of me!" I can feel my voice shaking with each octave as my voice gets higher, and Patch starts barking loudly, jumping up and down. Sasha and Kate are looking at us both in confusion and worry, but Abbie's still shaking her head.

"No." She says, a tear falling down her face. 

And then my fist strikes out. And she grabs it just before I hit her, my knuckles inches away from her face. I struggle, and her grip only grows tighter.

"LET ME GO!" I scream and I struggle and I can feel my whole body shaking but she turns me around so my back is facing her, her arms wrapping around my to constrict my movement.

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