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Chapter Forty Six

I feel numb.

Sasha's sitting on the couch in our room, wincing as the nurse attending her stitches the cut on her forehead, and Alex is standing off to the side, texting a worried Nicola.

Cheryl still hasn't woken up, and I'm still waiting for Abbie. And the police.

"Do you need anything, love?" Mrs. S asks me, standing up beside me. I shake my head and she smiles.

"Alright. I'll be back." She leaves the room, and barely a second later it opens again and Abbie walks in.

My heart starts racing immediately and I sit up, barely even caring about the pain it causes me.

"Kimberley!" She runs straight to me, a smile on her face and I take my gas mask off.

" okay?" I gasp out. She grabs the mask in my hands and shoves it back onto my face. 

"I'm fine. I'm worried about you."  She looks beside me, sees Cheryl, and her bottom lip starts trembling as tears gather in her eyes.

"Oh god..."

"The Bakery..." I try to say, but she shakes her head.

"Don't worry. Get better." 

There's a sudden groaning noise beside me and I look to see Cheryl stirring slightly. My heart immediately starts beating like crazy and I lean over and take her hand, using my other hand to take off my mask.

"Hey..." She turns to look at me, then frowns.

"What happened?" She rasps out. 

"There was a fire, babe. At our place and Abbie's Bakery." I say. Her eyes go wide and she tries to sit up, but winces in pain.

"I'll get the doctor." Abbie says. I grip Cheryl's hand tightly and she takes off her mask.

"Where's...Patch?" She gasps out. I shake my head and put the mask back on her face.

"He's fine, babe. He's being looked at. How do you feel?" She shakes her head, a tear leaking from the corner of her eye. She doesn't reply before the doctor comes in, a small smile on his face.

"Hey, are you feeling?"

"Sore." She responds dully. He sighs and takes a look at the burn on her neck.

"It's not too bad...there shouldn't be any permanent scarring. As for you though...that one on your leg is pretty bad." He says, pointing to me. I shrug.

"I don't care. I feel fine. Just make sure she's okay." I say, nodding toward Cheryl. 

She rolls her eyes and I smile softly at her.

"We're okay..." She whispers, taking my hand. I look over at Abbie and she smiles at me, but I can see the sadness in her eyes.

"The Bakery..." I whisper. She sighs.

"It was really sudden. I was in the back with Alex and Sasha, getting ready to take them home because they helped me clean up today and there was this sound of glass breaking and when we walked out into the diner, the whole place was on fire. I grabbed Sasha and Alex and dragged them outside, Sasha hit her head on the door cause she's an idiot-"

"Love you too, Abbie." Sasha interrupts.

"Luckily none of us got hurt. The Bakery though...the inside is just all gone..." She sighs and I grab her hand.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. She shakes her head.

"I just don't understand why someone would do this deliberately."

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