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Chapter Thirty Three

I'm chewing on the skin around my nails nervously and Cheryl slaps my hand.


"I can't help it." I groan. I start pacing instead, the nerves getting to me. Sasha's watching me, her eyes wide and staring.

Dimitri is coming to the bakery. It's almost seven in the evening.

"What if he didn't go? What if he comes in here and hurts us?"

"He's not like that!" Sasha says hotly. I shake my head. 

"I know, I just-"

"Hey, there you guys are! How do I look?" We all jump as Alex walks up to us, a massive smile on his face. He still has his work clothes on, but he's made an attempt to straighten his hair out, and he's failed miserably.

It hits me why he's done this a second too late.

"Oh god! Your date with Nicola is now!" I exclaim. He chuckles nervously.

"Uh, yeah, it is. Do I look okay?"

"You look great, little bro." Sasha says, smiling at him softly. He takes a deep breath in and nods to himself.

"Alright, here goes." He reaches into his bag and pulls out a bunch of flowers just as Nicola steps into the bakery. I walk up to her, buying Alex some time, who looks like he's about to faint.

"Hey Nic."

"Hey Kimberley! How've you been?" 

"Great." I lie. She smiles at me and I wink at her.

"Enjoy your date."

"Thanks." She says, laughing. I walk back over to Cheryl just as Alex squares his shoulders and walks up to Nicola.

"Good luck. You'll be fine." I whisper to him. He smiles and gives me a high five before approaching Nicola. I don't catch their conversation, but they're both smiling, which is a good sign. Cheryl wraps her arms around me and I rest my head on her shoulder.

"Everything's gonna be fine." She whispers, brushing her fingers through my hair. I sigh in content, relaxing in her hold. I barely have time before Sasha grips my hand, looking down at her phone.

"He's outside in the alleyway." I take a deep breath and grip Cheryl's hand.

"Let's go." I whisper. All three of us stand and walk into the kitchen, right past everyone and out the back into the alleyway.

He's smoking a cigarette, running his fingers through his hair. He looks up, and an instant smile lights his face when he sees Sasha.

"Hi." He says breathlessly. She runs up to him and hugs him tightly. Me and Cheryl stand there awkwardly before his attention finally turns to us.

"One of you is Kimberley I'm guessing." He says, smiling lightly. I raise my hand.

"That would be me." He smiles and nods.

"Thank you...for trying to help. I went to a doctor today and he recommended me to this guy a few blocks from here. I booked an appointment with him for next week. That's why I wanted to come here..." His smile fades and he looks down at Sasha sadly, brushing her hair back softly.

"I want you to stay away from me until then." Sasha's smile completely drops, her expression horrified.


"It's for the best-"


"Sasha, he's right." Cheryl says, sighing. 

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