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Chapter Thirty Four

The only thing I feel is her hand in mine, fingers tracing circles into my wrist in patterns, as if she's trying to console me. 

I can see Mr. Waitland talking with a police officer ahead of me. His face looks careworn, and tired.

Suspicious. That's what they called it. And then they showed me the guy who hit into Cindy's car. 

Now it's a full blown murder case.

"He did this...he did this...he said he would kill her and now he has..." I can feel my voice breaking, and Cheryl's arm around my shoulder tightens. Mr. Waitland shakes the hand of the officer he's talking to and walks over to us, running a hand through his hair.

"Well, it's done. Frank admitted to deliberately smashing into Cindy's car...he told us everything after you ID'd him."

"Is Kimberley in danger?" Cheryl asks hollowly.

"I don't think so-"

"Was it Robert?" I ask. Mr. Waitland sighs and nods.

"Yeah, was. Frank visited him in jail a few weeks ago, they planned it all out. Frank was supposed to get the hell out of there, don't think he anticipated his own car flipping over in the collison." I can feel the urge to vomit rising in my throat and I swallow it down, blinking back tears.

"How did it happen?" Cheryl whispers. Mr. Waitland sighs again.

"Frank was waiting for her to leave home. As soon as she got into her car and drove off, he followed her and, well...he said he rammed into her four times before she hit a ditch on the road and veered off course. Her car flipped, but he hit the same ditch not long after, his car did the same. The police found him, ambulance brought him to the hospital."

"And Cindy?" Cheryl asks.

"She...she was dead on arrival." He says hollowly. 

"Are they gonna lock him up?" I ask, refusing to meet either of their eyes. 

"He'll be put on trial and most likely convicted, seeing as he gave a full confession. Robert will also have a murder charge on top of his grevious bodily harm and attempted rape charges...he's more than likely going to get a life sentence now..." 

"If there's enough evidence to support that he had a part in this, right?" Cheryl growls angrily. Mr. Waitland nods, his expression furious as well.


"Great." Cheryl hisses. Her fingers are digging into my skin, but I don't feel the pain.

"Kimberley...are you okay?" Mr. Waitland reaches out to touch my shoulder, but I shrug him off.

"Can I go home now?" I whisper. He nods once.

"Yeah, go home and get some rest, I'll uh...I'll deal with all this. I've given Cindy's sister a call, she's coming in from London to help plan the funeral-"

"I don't have to do anything, do I?" Mr. Waitland looks at me in slight surprise, but shrugs.

"I mean, no you don't Kimberley, but I think Cindy would want you-"

"Well she's not here anymore. Goodbye, Mr. Waitland." I gather my jacket into my arms and make my way outside, ignoring Cheryl calling my name.

I immediately feel the cold when I step outside, and I can't help but shiver, my breath coming out in a cold swirl of smoke.

I could really use a cigarette right now.

"Babe?" I dig my nails into my arm, but her hands touch my waist.

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