911 18 1

Chapter Nineteen

This chapter might be a little confronting for some people, just a warning.

We're both staring up at the gigantic, black building in front of us. She's gripping my hand tightly and my heart is racing so loudly, I'm sure she can hear it.

"Kimberley, you can do this." Cheryl whispers.

"I know." I whisper back. Everything seems to be working faster. The time on the dashboard of Cheryl's car just keeps ticking closer and closer to ten o'clock and I'm positive it's skipping a few numbers.

"Are you sure Patch will be okay by himself-"

"Kimberley, Patch will be fine. You will be fine." She raises her hand that's interlaced with mine, pressing a kiss to my fingers. I nod once.

"Okay..." My fingers close around the latch that opens the door, but I freeze.

I can't do this. Having to tell everyone what happened. A room full of strangers-

"I can't. I can't." I let go of the latch and sit back against the seat, burying my face into my hands.

She rubs my back soothingly, and I feel like bursting into tears. I don't understand how she's being so patient. If our roles were reversed, I would've slapped her by now.

"Kimberley, this is gonna help put him away for good."

"I can't tell a room full of strangers what he did to me!" I say, my voice cracking with the tears I'm keeping at bay.

"Don't talk to the strangers then. Talk to me." She says, rubbing my shoulder. I look at her in horror.

"That makes it worse!"

"No it doesn't. You keep your eyes on me and you tell me. You imagine it's only me in the room, okay?"

"But I don't want to tell you..."

"You already told me, babe!" She says, chuckling slightly. She brushes my hair back and I finally peek up at her from under my arms. She's smiling softly, her eyes filled with warmth.

"I know it's hard, trust me I know. But you can do this. We can do this. Together." I can't help myself. I lean across the passenger seat and kiss her. She chuckles against my lips and pulls away.

"You ready?" She whispers. I nod once, not trusting myself to speak.

And finally, I reach for the latch on the door and open it. The cold air hits me and I shiver. Cheryl wraps her arms around my shoulder, rubbing some warmth into me as she leads me inside. 

Cindy runs up to us, a sad smile on her face and she hugs me tightly.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through this." She whispers.

"Let's just get it over with." I say hoarsely. She nods once and leads us through to security, where they check us for any sharp objects. As soon as we're cleared, she leads us through another set of doors and stands outside courtroom 5.

"Stay here, sweetie. The security guy will call you when you're needed, okay?" I simply nod and she looks at Cheryl, biting her lip.

"I'm sorry, Cheryl, but you have to either stay out here with her or go inside. You can't enter the courtroom in the middle of a session." Cheryl looks at me anxiously and I shake my head, letting go of her.

"Go inside. I can't if you're not there." 

"Okay." She presses a soft kiss to my forehead and goes inside with Cindy, glancing back at me sadly.

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