A night in the adoption centre

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"So how was class?" Asks the bitch Miss Evenstein.
"Yeah. Usual." I reply shrugging my head.

The table is set. It's full of cheap, disgusting food. I mean I'm not a fussy eater but this, this is horrible. I grab a plate, I have to or I'll be punished. I grab the so called steak and put it on my plate. I then grab some corn, it's not even yellow, it's got a whitish tinge to it.

I walk over to be designated sitting spot. Right between the two complete imbeciles who flick corn every bloody night. How can they still be entertained by it? I move my chair out, sit down and begin eating. The steak is rubbery, I swear I'm eating a car tyre. I swear I hear it squeak. I almost throw up from the texture; no matter how many times I eat this fake steak, I lurch from it. I try the corn. It's at least sort of normal. It vaguely tastes like actual stuff.

Corn goes flying past my head. The imbeciles are at it AGAIN. They laugh as it hits other people in the head. It hits Miss Evenstein right on the forehead. I let out a small laugh. She looks up like a robot, her steely gaze sending chills down my spine. She gets up almost automatically and starts walking towards me. I'm confused. Maybe she's getting the imbeciles. I mean I didn't throw the corn. She gets closer and closer. I focus back on eating my synthetic food. All of a sudden a chill goes through my body. I can sense that she's right behind me. "William. Get up now," she says in a low but commanding tone. Bells are ringing in my head, it's like I'm about to be executed. I slowly get up. She randomly grabs my arm tripping me over, "Come on. Get up," she says in the same tone. I get up. She grabs my hand and pulls me to the front of the table. Kids look at me as if I'm about to go to the gallows.

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