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I go to my seat and sit down. Zach is on the chair beside me. I can't help but wonder what it's like living like him. A lot nicer than me, that's for sure.

My teacher, Mr Ergot. Walks into the classroom and to the whiteboard. He begins speaking, "Role call time," he says. "Eric."
"Present." The role call goes on for what seems like forever. I still don't know everyone in my class. Mr Ergot then starts writing stuff on the board, "Open up your English books," he says. I open up my tray and pull out the book. I open it to a new page. I look at the whiteboard and begin copying what he writes, this is the way he teaches. Still better than Evenstein though.

The class finishes and the bell goes. I grab my bag and follow Zach to our usual spot, under the Gumtree. Cliche but hey, this is Australia after all. Zach and I sit down. I open my bag and grab my lunchbox. Inside is virtually nothing. Just more of that synthetic food. Zach notices and says, "You want some of mine? I don't eat everything."
"You sure?" I ask.
"Yeah. On one condition. You come with me after school."
"Hell yeah," I reply. I know I will get in trouble but fuck it. I grab a small chocolate bar and eat it. It's way better than the usual stuff. I burry some of the food in my lunchbox under some dirt, not even wild animals would eat this shit.

The school bell rings again. Class time. I zip up my bag and walk to my next class, extended maths. "Why did I pick this class. Out of all of them, it had to be maths," I silently groan. I enter the class and daydream with stops when needed. Lunch time comes around like a snail. Actually, a snail could move faster than this.

The bell rings. I am one of the first people out. I head back to the Gumtree where Zach would be waiting, he is always there before me. I arrive at the tree, surprise, surprise, Zach is there. "How was class?" He asks.
"Horrible. Absolutely horrible," I reply.
"Don't worry. We both have social studies after."
"Yeah," I reply. Social studies is one of those classes where I do well despite not paying full attention to.

The bell rings again. Social studies, my favourite class. Once again, I sit next to Zach, I know no one else in this class and I have no major plans to. The class flies by. I kind of wish it went longer. Before long I was walking with Zach to wherever he is walking to. "Where are we going?" I ask.
"An abandoned magic store," he replies.
"You don't believe in that shit. Do you?" I ask curiously. "Not really but you never know," replies Zach. I just silently nod my head and follow his lead.

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