The suit

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I walk around the room. I spot something white in the corner. I walk over to it. I stare at it, I tap it slightly with my foot. Nothing happens. I bend down. My hands reach down and touch it. It's a very weird texture, like rubbery fur. I pull it up, it's about my size. I notice something behind it. Something that looks like a dog head. I pick it up and admire the detail. This is very weird. I call Zach over. He sees it, "What the hell?" He says stunned and confused. I hand him the mask, if you could call it that. He looks at it. "Look what I found in it," he says pulling out a collar and a leash. "This is weird," I say, "What do you think it's for?"
"Not entirely sure but maybe it's a BDSM thing."
"What is that?" I ask.
"How do I put it? It's when someone has more power over another person. I think the person who wears this is the pet, the submissive and the other person is the master, the dominant.

"Can I put it on?" I ask.
"Yeah sure," replies Zach clearly confused. Zach hands the hood back to me. "Where do I get changed?" I ask.
"Uh. Just here if that's fine."
"Here. I mean we're both guys and we are best friends."
"I suppose," I reply starting to take off my clothes. The shirt goes over my head. My shoes come off, then my trousers until I'm fully naked. I'm very nervous. I turn around to face Zach who doesn't make much of a reaction. I grab the suit and spread it out of the floor. I realise that I can't put it on unless I'm on the ground. I go down onto the ground. I put my arms into the front legs. I then push my legs into the holes. It's up in the air slightly. Zach grabs each end and pulls it up. I covers my naked body. I then hear a zip. I'm inside the suit. I crawl to a nearby mirror. I see that it's black and white, like a Border Collie. "Want me to put the hood on?" Asks Zach.
"Yep," I reply. Zach walks over to me. He places the hood on the top of my head. He then pushes it down until it stops. It's so weird with this on. I look at myself again. I look like a person with a dog suit on. Zach then locks the hood in place and attaches the collar. "Hey. What the?" I say to Zach.
"You said you wanted to try it on. Here it is fully on. Now can I take you for a walk. In the store of course?"
"Okay," I reply. I see Zach grab the leash. I then hear it click onto the collar. He tugs at it. I begin to crawl. I look at myself in the mirror again. It's weird to think that I'm in this suit.

Zach walks me around the abandoned store. For some reason it feels completely natural being under Zach's control. I feel my penis become stiff. I'm enjoying this. Zach sees this and smiles. "Can we keep this forever?" He asks. I nod my head with excitement.

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