Baby morning

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I am waken up by Luke banging on the cot. "Time to wake up," he says. I groan and turn over to she him looking at me, he sends shivers down my spine. Luke grabs me, picks me up and carries me to the change table. I can already feel that I have peed and shat myself. Luke feels around and smiles. "Time for a dipie change," he says enthusiastically. He grabs the diaper and pulls it off, throwing it into the bin. He turns me over and cleans my behind with a cold cloth. It's so disturbing. Luke turns me back over, grabs another diaper and puts it on me. He pulls off my t shirt and pacifier. He grabs some grey shorts and another white shirt, he puts them on me.

Luke places me over his shoulder and takes me to breakfast. He places me in the same chair and does the same thing but with a baby breakfast. He puts my shoes and socks on. "When we get to school I'll let you have the time before school starts to tell your friends where you're going to be. Got it?"
I nod my head and we walk out. "I'm walking. Aren't I allowed to?" I ask Luke.
"Not at school or going to school. That's just plain weird." I sigh. At least people at school won't know how bad it is.

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