First hour as a dog

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I look up at master. I'm so privileged. He smiles back down at me. "Want to go for a walk Cory?" He asks. My tail automatically wags. "I take that as a yes," says master laughing. He clips the leash to my collar and I walk forward. It's really comfortable being this height. Something I did not expect.

Master opens the door. I walk out, he follows behind. "Stay," he says. I sit down. He smiles, "I bet you're loving this. Do you want to speak boy?" My tail wags even faster. "Go ahead."
"I'm loving this Zach. Thanks for letting me do this." Zach just smiles.
"Any time, remember. You can speak to me at any time."
"Yeah I know," I reply excitedly.

A neighbour looks over the front fence. "Can you please stop your dog from barking?" Zach is dumbfounded for a second, "Uh. Yeah. Cory shut up." I shut up. I may have a dogs body but I still have a human mind. "Thank you," says the neighbour rather happily walking back into his house. Zach looks at me, "It appears everyone else thinks you talking is barking. So try and keep it down to a limit. Or at least be quiet." I look at him with approving eyes. "Time for your first walk around the block." I'm so excited. I've been around it plenty of times as a human but not as a dog.

Master pulls my leash. I follow behind. My god. I smell so much more. I'm smelling other dogs scents and even the odd cat. My eyesight is still colour but it is significantly better than human. I can hear people yelling 4 houses down. I've never experienced this before and it's rather amazing how much I've missed.

We arrive at the corner store. Master looks at me, "Sorry Cory. You've gotta stay outside for now on." Master ties my leash to a pole and walks inside the store.

People walk past me like I'm not even there. Some look at me but most don't. Damn, I really do feel like a dog. I love it. I lay down, the path is surprisingly cool. I begin to pant; it feels a bit weird but it also feels natural.

Master walks back out of the store with a bag full of stuff. He walks over to me, unties the leash. I get up and wait, he tugs the leash and I walk at his heel. Master and I walk back home. He opens the door an I'm surprised to see a dog bed in the living room. Master unclips my leash and I trot over to it. I sniff it then lay down on it. It's really comfortable.

"Cory. How was that?" Asks Zach.
"Yeah. I enjoyed it," I reply happily. Zach takes off his shoes and socks then sits down on the recliner. He grabs the tv remote and turns it on. I look at the tv. Some documentary about cats. Instinctively I get up and run to the tv. Zach laughs, "Cory. Those are on the tv, they're not here." I begin barking at the tv. "Stop it now," says Zach in a light but stern tone. All of a sudden my mind comes back. I look at the tv. Those cats aren't there, they're pre recorded. I look down embarrassed. Zach looks at me and laughs. "It's alright boy. I understand your instincts." I walk back to my bed and lay back down on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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