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All of a sudden a felt a sharp pain in my legs. "Zach," say in a panicked tone.
"Yeah," he replies.
"I'm feeling a pain in my legs."
"What? Okay, we've gotta get you out."
I then feel another pain in my arms.
"My arms are now hurting," I say in a panicked tone. My body then starts hurting all over. "Ahhh." I scream but trying to stay as silent as possible. I feel a sharp pain on top of my head. "Will. What's happening?" Says Zach fast and worried. "I don't know but I'm scared."
"Hang on. I'll get it off." Zach reached behind my neck. "I can't get it off. It's like it's molded."
"The hood," I say panicking
Zach runs in front of me and starts pulling. It hurts. "Stop it. It hurts," I say, "I swear you're going to rip my head off." Zach stops and thinks for a moment. He looks at me again in shock. "Uh. Will. I think magic is real."
"Why?" I ask.
"Because you've turned into a dog. A Border Collie."
"What? You can't be serious," I say still panicked. "I'm not sure but I'm seeing a Border Collie instead of you."

I run without hesitation. Zach grabs my leash and pulls me back. "Woah boy. Remain calm," he says. 'Calm. Calm. How the fuck can I stay calm when I've turned into a fucking dog.' I notice something weird. It feels comfortable to stand on fours. "Crap. It's real," I say.
"Yeah. It is," says Zach. It's a miracle that you're still speaking English."
"How do I get out of this situation?" I ask.
"I don't know. But I'll try taking the collar off and see if that works."
"Okay. Get it done with," I say.

Zach walks in front of me, "Wow. Your eyes are cool. They're light blue." He then grabs a hold of the collar, unclips it and removes it. I feel myself returning to normal, despite wearing the dog suit. "What was that?" I ask confused. "I don't know," replies Zach.
"Can we keep it though?" I ask.
"Can we keep the suit and collar?"
"For a bit of fun. Also you never know. I may want to become your pet."
"Why would you want to be my dog?" Asks Zach.
"It beats being at that shithole, the adoption centre."
"Okay. We'll keep it. Who should take it home?"
"Can you?" I ask Zach. "I have virtually no privacy at the place and I don't know what would happen if they found it. Also it keeps me from getting in trouble with the dog catcher and shit like that."
"Okay. Just tell me when you want to wear it," says Zach.

I walk back into the room and put on my clothes. Zach and I then exit through the hole, grab our bags and exit the area. Zach carrying the suit of course. Now I have to face the shitstorm of Miss Evenstein. Oh well. At least I can leave her and the centre basically any time I want.

The blue eyed Border CollieWhere stories live. Discover now