Miss Evensteins punishment

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I look over the table. Kids are staring at me. "William. For your punishment each of the children will slap your behind once. Then you will clean the dishes by yourself." I can't believe it. I'm being punished for something I didn't do. "Bu....but I didn't do it," I stumble out. Evenstein doesn't take notice. No wonder she's single.

The kids line up. My behind is exposed. It's so embarrassing. A slap hits my bare skin. I yelp, "Shut up," says the bitch. Another slap hits me. I jump forward this time, "Stay still William," says the bitch again. Another slap hits me, I want to scream and jump but I don't want to push it. I loose track of how many times I've been slapped, at least 30 times. I can feel that my ass is red. 'It's going to be bruised tomorrow.'

Evenstein then makes me grab all the plates, bowls and cutlery and clean them one by one by hand while the other kids get to watch a movie. It's so boring. I still can't believe I'm getting this treatment for something I didn't do. I finish the last plate, I look up at the time, 9pm. That took me 3 hours? Evenstein walks into the kitchen, "finished?"
"Yeah," I reply.
"Get to bed then." I walk down the hallway and into my dorm. Did I ever say that I don't have a private room, no one does. It's a dorm with 4 beds and virtually no storage space. I take off the quilt cover and enter it. I pull it back up. I turn onto my stomach and fall asleep.

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