School time

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The alarm goes off. Miss Evenstein bangs on the doors. "Time to get up." I groan. Another day of school. At least it gets me out of this shithole. I get up and grab my school uniform. A white shirt, a tie, grey trousers and school shoes. Did I mention that it's a rather high class school?

I put on my uniform. I hate it, I feel so dorky and helpless in it. I walk out of my 'room' and into the breakfast area. The same area for dinner, just with breakfast instead. I grab a bowl of cereal. At least it's made. I grab a spoon and sit down at the table. The cereal is half decent, I suppose, but the milk is that long life stuff. Yuck.

I finish eating my breakfast. I grab my back and walk to the front door. I sign myself off. At least they allow you to do that. I walk to the bus stop and wait until the bus arrives. The bus arrives. I walk onto it and show my card. I move to a seat and the bus door closes and rises, it lurches forward and moves off down to school.

The bus arrives at school. I get up and walk out. I see Zach just sitting on the grass. I walk over to him and touch his shoulder, he jumps and turns around. "Will. Not again," he says in a cheerful tone, "you really should stop that." I smile and look at Zach. He has short, tidy blonde hair and green eyes, he is a bit taller than me. The school bell rings. Zach and I walk into the classroom, much nicer than the adoption centre.

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