Baby life

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Luke looks down at me and smiles, "You're my baby. Understand?" I nod my head, I'm so embarrassed. Luke bends over and picks me up. 'He can pick me up, crap. I must be light.' Luke throws me over his shoulder the best he can, I'm now at Luke's complete mercy.

Luke takes me into the play area. The kids stare and laugh at me. Why can't I die right now? Luke walks to a playpen. "Huh?, I grunt. "Be quiet baby," she says in an attempt to be soothing. Luke bends over, I go onto my feet. "Hands and knees baby," he says. I go down onto the hands and knees. Luke smiles and walks away leaving me in here. The children walk over to the pen. I try to hide my face but one grabs my face and shows it to everyone. They laugh and throw me a baby maraca. They smile, I know what to do, I shake it. "Awh. He's so cute," they chime. 'Why can't I die now?' The children walk away. I begin playing with the toys to keep myself entertained.

Hours pass. Luke walks in and grabs me. "Dinner time," he says.
Luke walks into the room. He places me on a highchair beside me, he then wraps a bib around my neck. 'Why can't I die now?' All the children walk in. They stare at me. I turn red yet again. After getting settled in, they begin to eat. I look down and see baby food. I realise that I can't reach it. Luke sees this, grabs a spoonful of the stuff and shoves it into my mouth. It tastes rather good, much better than the usual stuff.

Dinner finishes. Luke grabs a milk bottle and shoves it into my mouth. I suckle on it. Luke laughs and picks me up. He takes me into the baby room and places me on the change table. I look up at him, his cold eyes staring into mine, much like Evenstein. He picks me up and feels around the rear of the diaper. He looks rather disappointed, "you can poo whenever you want you know?" Luke picks me up again and takes me to an oversized cot, he places me in it and walks out, shutting the door behind him. Now I'm left in this semi darkness. Daylight still lining the blinds. I become a victim to my own boredom and fall asleep.

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