Walking to Zachs house

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I look at the time, 8:25. "We've got five to ten minutes to get out before Luke comes looking for me." Zach nods his head.
"We've gotta get moving now," he says.

Zach and I walk towards the front. Watching for the inevitable security. We look around, no one in sight. I run behind Zach and jump into a bush. We look again, still clear. We make a mad dash to the other side of the road. Zach and I smile, puffing. "Which way to your house?" I ask.
"Follow me," says Zach pulling opening his bag. "Yes. They're in here."
"What's in there?" I ask.
"Spare clothes. We have PE today remember?" We start moving again. "We'll get changed in a hiding spot. Okay?"
"Yeah sure," I reply, a bit worried.

On the way to the spot I open my bag. Right at the bottom are my spare PE clothes from last week. I'm relieved. Zach stops at a gap. "In here," he says. I follow Zach into the gap covered by trees. It's completely private. Zach looks at me. "We'll get changed here and walk along it. My house runs along it." I nod my head and take off my clothes. I open my bag and grab them. I pull out a black DC t shirt, it's a miracle that I have one. I grab the black sport shorts and put them on. I then grab my Nikes and put them on. I have no idea what to do with my clothes and even my bag. I doubt I will be needing them again. "Zach. What do I do with my clothes and bag?"
"Bring them with you?"
"Why though. I won't be wearing them again and they're too small for you."
"Leave them here," replies Zach.
"What about my bag?"
"Take it with you. That way they will think you've ran away to another town."

I'm ready and so is Zach. We begin walking through the dense scrub. I still can't believe we're going this far to escape a school. But then again, I don't want to go back to the adoption centre.

Half an hour of walking passes. Zach stops. "We're here," he says. My heart is racing. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Asks Zach. "Yeah I'm sure," I reply hiding my reluctantly. Zach pulls at the fence, a small bit lifts up. "No one is home so we're safe and I have a key." Zach crawls through the hole and I follow behind. I'm through. I look a the backyard. I've never been here before, despite how long we've been best friends for. Zach walks up to the back door and unlocks it. He turns around, "come in." I walk to the door and enter his house. My heart is racing am I really about to do this?

"Follow me," says Zach walking through the living room. I shut the door behind me. I follow Zach. The house is pretty normal, nothing special, just an ordinary, suburban house. Zach walks into a room. I follow behind, it's his bedroom. He opens the cupboard door and pulls out the suit. "Here it is." I smile.

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