Putting the suit on and transforming

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Zach pulls the suit out and places it on the floor. "Are you 100% sure you want to go through with this?" Asks Zach.
"Yeah," I reply, my heart still racing.
"Okay. You know the drill. Also you're name will be Cory." My heart jumps a bit. He's already decided to name me.

I strip naked and put my arms in the front legs. I then put my bent legs into the rear. Zach grabs each side and zips it up. "You sure about this Cory?" He asks. It feels weird being called Cory but I just nod my head. Zach speaks again, "I've researched this suit and as it turns out it changes reality a bit. It makes everyone except the dog and master think you're a real dog. Got it?"
"Yeah," I reply, "put it on." My heart is racing I feel like I'm going to pass out. Zach places the hood on my head and slides it down. He places the yellow collar around my neck. Then the leash. I'm in the suit.
"By the way boy, we need to have a bit of a walk before you transform." Zach tugs on my leash and I crawl behind him. It still feels natural. Zach walks me for about half an hour. I'm beginning to think that this doesn't work outside of the store. Then I feel the same pain.

"It's happening," I shout. Zach looks at me in fascination as it slowly turn. It's less painful than before, but it still hurts. Zach grabs a squeaky toy and puts it in my mouth. I push down on it. It squeaks. I feel my arms thin and become legs. I then feel my hands growing pads and morph into paws. I bite down on the toy. Pain then comes in my legs and feet. My legs shorten and from what I feel become dogs. The toy squeaks even more. I feel a pain reaching out from my tailbone, a tail. It breaks my skin. I bite down even harder. It extends out. I feel my behind shrink. I then feel a pain at the top of my head, ears are coming through. They break the skin and rise up. I notice that my hearing is so much better now. My face then goes into pain. I watch and feel as my chin, mouth and nose extend out and form into a muzzle. I feel my stomach rising up slightly. I feel teeth grow in my mouth. The toy falls out. A bright flash occurs and I look up at Zach who is smiling. I feel my tail wag. "You're now a dog Will," says Zach happy. "Remember. Your new name is Cory for now on. Got it?
"Yes master," I say. Zach smiles.

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