The store

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Zach and I arrive at the store. It's kinda creepy. Security fences surround it. From what I can see, there appears to be nothing wrong with it. The windows are a bit dusty but intact, the bricks are still in line, a rarity for something this old. The wooden door looks sturdy, bull ramming sturdy. I look at the roof. A sign reads 1878. "Wow," I say, "I never noticed this place. Why was it shut down?" I ask Zach.
"Rumour has it there are magical items inside and this creeped people out. To the point that it was shut down by the police and city officials."
"Haha. Crazy people," I laugh.
"Maybe. Maybe not," says Zach in a questioning tone. "Let's go in."
"What?" I say.
"Let's go in the store and find out what the fuss is about."
"But. But," I stumble
"You say you don't believe in magic so this should be just another store for you."
"With security fences around it," I scoff.
"Oh come on," says Zach.
"Oh okay," I reply.

Zach and I walk around the barrier looking for a gap. We spot one. Zach goes in first, pushing the fence back slightly. I go in behind. My heart is racing, I've never done something like this before. I'm scared I might get caught.

We walk up to the building. It's so eerie and silent and lifeless, it's dead. Zach looks around. I spot a small hole in the brink wall. Just big enough for me and Zach. I show Zach, he looks at me, "Want to go in first?"
"Nah, you can."
"Okay," says Zach walking over to the gap. "Stay at the entrance just in case."

Zach takes off his bag, goes down on all fours. He crawls to the gap, goes onto his stomach and slides through. His feet disappear through the hole. I hear him shout down the hole, "It's fine. Come on through." I'm nervous, I think about stopping but decide that I've came this far. I take off my bag. I go down on fours, just like Zach. It feels sort of natural. I crawl to the hole, go down on my belly and slide through. It's rather cold, I can hear the drafts go through. I come to the exit. Zach was right. Its fine. I get up, rub myself off and look around. Zach is at the door. "Pretty cool huh?"
"Yeah. I suppose," I reply.
"Follow me," commands Zach. I follow him around the many rooms. Most, if not all items are still here. The wooden floor makes a creaking noise whenever I step on it. I swear it's going to give way. I look around, it's rather dark, light coming through the dusty window is mostly blocked but some makes it way through. It's so eerie knowing people have been in this store since at least the late 1800s.

I see a room. I tap Zach on the shoulder. He turns around. "Can we look at this room?" I ask pointing at a room with an open door.
"Yeah sure," replies Zach.

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