The Story of the Gates

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"y/n?" Zuko asked in shock.
"Yes, it's me." you said lightly, waiting for the team to attack. On a moment you were bowing on your knees for forgiveness. "Avatar Aang forgive me and what I have done to you and your team.
Aang was visibly taken back, in a comedic sense. "Um, I mean, if we can forgive Zuko... I can't exactly remember what you did wrong..."
Sokka held his boomerang tightly. "This is the girl who tried to give you to Azula...."
Katara also had a weapon, but made out of water.
"Yes but she also took care of combustion man..." Toph decided to add. "I can tell she is sincere."
Aang looked down and sighed. "May I ask why you want to join?"
Zuko interrupted you "We are the East and West gate. y/n is the East, I am the West, and Aang is the North."
Aang's eyes widened. "You both are gates? How, what..."
"Perhaps Zuko, you, and I should explain to the others?" you suggested. Everyone else's face held confusion.
Aang nodded "you're right. Guys, y/n is to be trusted."
Sokka lowered his weapon but waved it around while shouting. "SHE SURVIVED BOILING HOT WATER, HOW CAN SHE BE THE SAME PERSON?"
"Please believe me."
Aang sighed "guys, let me tell you a story."

Toph smiled, earth bended a circle shaped bench. "Let's gather around the camp fire, Zuko? Do the honors?" Toph emphasized the word honor to piss him off, which surprisingly he missed the jab and agreed.
"Actually, not a bad idea Toph."
You sat down in between Aang and Zuko, so you didn't have to feel the glare from Katara.

"Do you know the saying, when one door closes another opens?" Aang started out. "Well it works the same with the Avatar state. Just in case the Avatar is killed in the Avatar state a Gate must take the responsibility of learning all four elements. It was the Spirits' idea long ago, but other Spirits believed humanity would fall with so much power. And so the Avatar is the one who freely moves in and out of the Spirit world, while the opposite gate is in the Spirit world whenever the Avatar isn't. So they are under constant survalence. If I died the Southern gate would be the new Avatar, and Zuko would be in the constant Avatar state... Ironically..." The jab was to the obvious fact Zuko hunted Aang for the specific reason he was the Avatar.
Zuko took over the story. "My mother was believed to be the Western Gate, so she was forced to marry my father. Later there was a plan to have me killed, but she ensured my safety and was banished for treason. She took a servant child with her. A young boy by the name of Aba."
The name shocked you to your very core. It was your brother. "They ran, but there was an order to kill them both. They were on the run for years until a soldier caught up with them. He killed my mother but the boy killed the man, and using the gift he had, brought her back to life... He lost his life in return."
You covered your mouth in shock, you didn't know that is what happened to your brother.
"Everyone made the mistake in thinking the Western Gate was dead, and assumed the deceased boy who used fire and water was the East gate. When really I was the West Gate and Aba's sister was the East Gate. Now no one knows who is the Southern Gate, because they could be 112, and the majority of their life was free and for 12 years they have been in this state. Or they are only 12 and is constantly in the Avatar state."
You stood. "Little does anyone know there is a small girl on the legendary island of the dual benders who is constantly in this state. Recently the fire nation attacked, but I am not sure if they succeeded. I helped but left quickly. They were there to kill me."
Sokka suggested then. "Why don't we go get the Southern Gate?"
"The entire village is determined to protect her, we can try but... no guarantees the island is even there"
Katara no longer glared at you with daggers. "It makes sense, perhaps we should think about going tomorrow, we all need sleep, especially you y/n. I can also try to heal those scars more."
"I would like that very much, thank you."
Toph smiled "I know you don't have a tent or sleeping bag, does anyone have an extra sleeping bag?"
Teo raised his hand. "I always pack extra. It's on the back of my chair, if someone can reach it for me." The boy pointed to the back of his wheel chair. "This chair is more my bed anyway."
"Thank you" you say and unroll the bag. "Goodnight"

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