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"Suki! Tai Lee!" you yelled as you ran over to the pair.

"_______, how did training go?" Suki asked with a smile and a... limp arm?

Tai Lee noticed your confusion. "I was teaching Suki about Chi blocking and how it works."

"Oh cool! It went super well! It's reasonably close to water bending in some ways. Same roots, chi path, but challenging in other ways."

Tai Lee smiled. "Well stop talking and show us!"

You laughed and backed up starting to prepare. A few punches and kicks with fire showed them some idea. Zuko shouted from a distance. "More energy! Be more ferocious!"

"Zuko, firebending doesn't need to be scary!" you whined.

"She's right, water does not have to be calm, fire does not need to be fierce." a low voice of an old man said but did not belong to any.

"Who said that?" Sokka asked looking around.

Aang began to run towards the voice. "Guys I believe that was a Spirit."

"Avatar, you talk about me as if I left. I am here... I just can't decide on the least threating form to take."

"Fukinko is that you?" You asked with a small laugh.

Katara was shocked "The spirit of harmony? Here?"

"Why not use your natural form?" Aang asked.

"It is much too scary and I don't wish for anyone to run away... or attack me... like last time. Of course that was hundreds of years ago." Suddenly a familiar old man appeared and waved. "Yes I think this will do."

The team was taken aback besides Aang and you. Aang began to speak "What has brought you to our world Spirit Fukinko?"

"You're too formal I can't stand it, please avatar let's just all go and drink some tea together." He said and began to walk into the town.

"You sound a lot like my uncle." Zuko ran up to the Spirit and the spirit smiled.

"Iroh is a good man who knows his tea, smart as well. I taught him how to lightning bend."

Zuko blinked and looked to the mismatching eyes. "You taught him?"

"He was a man at peace with himself, you are not my friend. You still question your heart and motives and so long as you do Yin and Yang will not separate for you. Do not be discouraged, redirecting lightning is much more challenging because you are bending it's will and path. You are a strong bender."

Aang ran to the Spirits other side. "Will I be able to lightning bend?"

"Yes, you have a calm mind spiritually, but in order to bend lightning... well..."

Aang held his breath as the Spirit paused. "We all need to enjoy some tea. Come on everyone."

Aang sighed and you laughed lightly. "Aang lightning is pretty scary, to me it's like blood bending. Only used for emergencies..."

Katara looked at you shocked. "You can blood bend?"

Fukinko began to speak with Katara. "All water benders possess the ability, some choose not to use it, others don't know it is possible at all. Lightning and Metal bending is the same. Although metal bending was just discovered by you Toph."

"Heh, yup that's me." she said quite embarrassed.

Soon they were in front of a large silver temple. "Ah, I told them not to make my temple so extravagant..." The spirit sighed "I just wanted a place to have some tea and relax..."

Sokka looked around and his eyes shined. "I'll take it if you don't want it." He said while hugging a silver dragon statue.

Suki hit him. "Sokka stop being rude."

"Come in, I believe we have plenty of jasmine tea if you like that. I'm sure there are snacks as well."

The group sat around the table, the Spirit at one end, Aang at the other. You bended the prepared tea into everyone's cup.

"Now, ask your questions. I can answer them better with tea in my chi."

"If I may begin. It is said only the Avatar can master more than one element. How do the people on this island have the ability?" Katara asked quite intrigued.

"Long before Avatar Aang people could bend two elements, but soon others used it for power, not for peace. The Lion Turtles took back the talents they blessed dual benders with except those who live here." The Spirit sipped his tea and contjnued. "Dual benders are unseen off the island because they devoted their life to harmony. They believed life with all sorts of bending can make their world equal and peaceful.

This island isn't just an island you see... it's alive. It is a Lion Turtle. No one knows this. Not even the elder Lion Turtle."

You looked at him quite confused. "How was my brother and I able to dual bend? We weren't from here."

"No, your mother was. She gave up her earth bending to be able to explore the world. On her last trip she met a guard from the fire nation, who was a bender. They fell in love and had twins.

When Ozai found out your father married a water bender he killed them both and kept you two as servants.

Ursa not only raised Zuko and Azula, but you and Aba as well. Ursa knew she wasnt a gate, so her son would be and since your brother and Zuko were born at the same time she was convinced Aba was the other gate.

When she was banished she took Aba, but was hunted down for doing so. She was shot by an arrow but Aba saved her life, taking his own. Ursa ran but was never seen again."

You knew little about your parents and so the news that they were executed didn't shake you as much as it should have.

"Now I hate to cut this short but you all need rest, I will be training _________ tomorrow on lightning."

"ME?! WHY?!"

"Well you're water and firebending act as your positive and negative energy. If anyone can split Yin and Yang it's you..."

"I just had ONE lesson on firebending! I can't just start lightning bending!"

"Azula is coming. You need to."

Quite frazzled and overwhelmed you walked outside and began to pace back and forth.

"________ you okay?" Zuko asked quite worried.

"I mean this is sorta intimidating Zuko. I already absorbed lighting..." you said and pointed and your white scars. "I narrowly escaped with my life."

"___________ I will be here every step of the way."

A tight hug reassured you and calmed you down. "Okay. I'll try."

Azula's Servant (Zuko x reader)Where stories live. Discover now