Sparky Sparky boom man

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An explosion rang through the air as the four of you arrived. There was a man with the tattoo of a third eye in between the other two. Analyzing the situation it seemed he used this third eye to make things explode. It seemed preposterous but you saw it with your own two eyes. "Who is that man?" you asked TyLee.

"Him?" she asked pointing at the male. "I'm not sure."

"Zu Zu hired him to kill the avatar, but it looks like he's trying to get him to stop..." Azula said quite amused.

Mai made a short remark "He's doing a terrible job..."

Something washed over you as you watched the brawl. "I'm going."

"To help Zuko?" Azula asked as a shine of curiosity swiped across her optics.

You smirked looking at her as you let out a heated breath, "I'm going to bring him and the avatar to you, alive." you stated and used a wave of water to travel across.

The man shot at the prince again which made you furious. "Hey! Triple glare! Pick on someone your own size!" You yell and burn him right on the tattoo with your boiling water. The giant stumbled back but remained on his feet. He attacked in your direction this time, but he was much weaker then before. Suddenly a boomerang came out of nowhere and hit the man right on point. "Yeah! That's my boomey!" a boy yelled running for the weapon.

You remained silent, but examined the man,now unconscious. The other few people walked forward. A water bender, a blind earth bender, Zuko, and an air bender.' It must be the avatar!' you thought.

"Hey thank for helping us!" the monk said smiling.

Yet a frown crossed your face. "I apologize for this, but it is my duty in life to the royal family." Then suddenly you attacked again, but directed at the air nomad and the banished prince.

The water bender contradicted a few of your moves but your stances and movements were too fast for her, and she ended up burned. Zuko ran towards you ready to attack, but you incased him in ice and sent him over to Azula. "I'm sorry again my prince"

Toph, the blind one began to attack with flying rocks. One came close to you but you altered the rocks themselves. You incased them all in water then froze them. This wore down the rock. You continued this until they weren't a threat any more. Yet the blind girl could only feel you bending, nothing worth blocking though. Then she felt water fill around her feet then freeze. "What? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

You just smiled and walked away. Azula did have the prince for a short while but he melted his casing, and jumped into Appa.

A sharp pain washed throughout your body "My princess I have failed you." She only laughed as you bowed.

"No you haven't. I let ZuZu escape, so he knows what it's like to be chased after. To come close to a chained dog. Much like he's been doing to the avatar."

"For irony?" Mai questioned already knowing the answer.

Azula smirked again "Well you know how I love my games..."

Azula's Servant (Zuko x reader)Where stories live. Discover now