The Water Dragon ( part 2 of 4)

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"That's why I volunteered to be on your crew!" he smiled gleaming, much like your dad used to.

Suddenly the captain's assistant ran towards you "We have a problem..."

Once he said the words, bullets were being shot through the sky, and one hit Aba.


-------- now----------

"(y/n) I'm fine. The armor protected me. But look...." he said and held the bullet. It was a diamond. The stone should have easily broke through the metal armor.

Your eyes widened "Stop the ship!" the captain obeyed and had the crew through the anchor. As soon as the boat stopped, the bullets did too.

"(y/n)?" Aba asked as you moved to the side of the boat.

You saw land close enough to swim to. "My brother and I will swim from here. Leave and return in 13 days."

Aba's eyes widened. "You can swim that far?"

"Of course. Can you???" you asked, while you caught your clothing bag that was thrown your way. You jumped in the waters and used your bending to propel yourself like a torpedo. A smile appeared on his face as he followed creating flames to propel him over water.

The ship left as instructed, leaving you both.

The island was beautiful, so you thought as you looked around. A rustle of leaves startled you, so quickly you turned around and saw a little girl. She gasped and hid behind the tree near her. That's when you noticed you were in a fighting stance.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know it was only you." The words you spoke were true, but your fire nation attire was terrifying.

"Fire!" she whined pointing.

Your eyes widen. "No! Water!"

She shook her head, then hid again.

A sigh escaped your lips. You raised your hand towards the ocean and flicked your wrist, commanding a bit of water to come to your side.



A laugh came from Aba. "Hard to believe, right?!"

The little girl smiled, then pointed towards Aba. "Water??!"

He turned pale, "uh no... I'm uh fire water?"

She smiled. "Okay!" Then she turn back towards you. "Does that hurt?!" Her face held a sense of horror.

"What?" you asked.

Her hand touch your cheek where the old burn lay. "Miss Lee can fix it!" she smiled and grabbed your wrist.

"Wait where?!"

"Miss Lee!"

She pulled you and Aba through the forest. After twists and turns a village stood before you.

The buildings were extravagant, made of beautiful colored stones. The statues were amazing, and the plants were colors never seen before. The roads were gold, pure gold. It was astonishing that this was a small village.

Aba's face was in awe, sadly his eyes showed dollar signs.

"Miss Lee!" the girl shouted running into one of the first houses. You followed the girl but dare not enter. The child's voice could be heard. "Newcomers!"

The door opened to show the girl with a beautiful woman in tow. "Now Lily!... Oh. What do you want?." Her voice was rude and unwelcoming.

"No Miss Lee! Waterbender! and Liquid Fire bender!" she whined.

"Oh?" she questioned looking at us. "Your burned, and your punctured. Come in. I'll heal you."

We continue into the house of crystal. "I'm called Miss Lee. Please refer to me the same."

"I am (y/n) and this is my brother Aba."

She smiled, "Oh? You are the love children of the water and fire dragons?"

Aba's nose flared. "Dragon love child?! Lady what stuff are you-?!"

Nonchalantly you punch him in the gut, quieting him. "What my brother means to ask is, what are you referring to?"

"On this island everyone is a mix bread. Some use earth and fire, to create glass, diamonds, and other minerals. They are the most common here." she smiles.

"Some are water and earth. They can use mud, create medicines and control some plants." She sits us at her table. Lily places a bowl of water on the table.

"Some are the combination of air and earth. They can lift anything with their mind, no matter the element. They usually only master one of the two because the contradiction is dangerous."

"People who control water and air control the clouds, fog, and..." Her hand wipes across my burn along with the water. Stinging, and then soothing it. "Healing skin and muscle wounds."

"Whoa!!! (y/n) You scar is gone!!!" Aba said shocked.

"T-Thank you..." you said shocked. "but you haven't said what those with fire and water can do..."

"Well any combination can do anything they can think of. People excel in certain areas. With fire and water you can boil, liquid flames, thunder and lightning, and temperature. But how can I put this? You control life and death."

You and Aba froze. "huh?"

"Any of us can kill, but you have the ability to bring a human back from the brink of death."

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