Close the Gates

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Images of bright light in your dreams startled you awake.

You walked out of the house to try and clear your mind of all the fears. Exhausted you took plenty of breaks, one in front of the room Zuko was in. He watched you slowly walk along the side of the shore and fall to your knees.

In fear of the worst he jumped off his balcony and ran to your side. "_________, are you alright? What are you doing?"

"I can't sleep. Something feels off..."

He held you tight and lifted you with ease. "I'm here, you'll be alright."

In a moment you were fast asleep. Zuko picked you up and walked you to his room.

You were placed on the blue silk sheets softly. Zuko kissed your forehead and began to leave until you called his name like you did when you were children. "Zuzu, stay..."

He sighed in false annoyance and lay next to you. Soon he was your stuffed platypus bear and he didn't mind. Your breathing lulled him to sleep and soon you both were in your dreams.

It was strange you were up before Zuko but you were happy to see him sleeping so softly.

A large Bell began to ring and you sat up in fear. Zuko woke with a start and you both stood and ran out.

Ms. Lee looked at you two in horror. "She's already here."

You ran outside and met Aang who was just landing after doing a fly over the island. "Azula is here with dozens of ships. I don't know what to do."

Mrs. Lee spoke with fear in her voice. "We can't fight this much, there's only about a hundred of us on this island. I feared this day would come."

The Spirit Fukinko made it to the perch and sighed. "There's only one way to protect those here. I spoke to the lion turtle and he agreed. Those who wish to keep their dual bending must live in the Spirit world. We have to close the other Gates, more than one bridge was foolish."

You looked at him with sadness "What if I wish to stay?"

"You have to choose one element. Those who wish to stay must protect the Lion Turtle until we cross through."

Aang looked in confusion "Is that even possible with the closed portals?"

"It's going to take a lot of work, I'll need your help. But the if the Gates are shut no one will remember they ever were a possibility, including you all. It's the safest option."

Zuko nodded "If it is what is necessary we can hold them off until then."

The rest of the team caught up, and Aang explained the plan. "Mai, Suki, Toph, Tai Lee and Sokka take over a ship and get those who want to stay on it. Once on the ship Sokka make a strategy with who you have to take down as many ships as possible. Katara and ____ stay on the turtle and work with any water benders you can find to keep the ships away. Once I tell you to leave get to the ship we took over. Zuko, distract Azula as much as you can. The less orders she can make the better."

Everyone nodded and Katara and you ran for the center of the city. Ms. Lee already explained to the island the decision to stay with one element or live in the Spirit world and it split right down the center of the population. Those who wanted to stay ran to the beach to meet with Sokka and choose their single element, those who wanted to leave stood with you and Katara.

Katara spoke loudly. "You all have abilities unlike these Soldiers have ever seen. Use this to your advantage and help us keep them off the island."

The people cheered and began to work together effortlessly.

Water benders joined effort to speed up the lion turtle and slow the ships. Earth benders threw projectiles at ships with the flag still waving. Fire benders shot any ship that got too close.

Aang and the Spirit meditated together and began to open a portal. Slowly spirits began to run out and and help open the portal.

Fire Nation shot back. Airbenders redirected their attacks. One slipped through the defenses and hit right behind you, knocking you off your feet.

Painfully you stood again and put the fire out. The pain caused you to fade in and out of consciousness. You pushed through and kept the ships stagnant.

A bright light ripped through the sky and began to engulf the turtle from the top of the shell. You could hear Aang yell out and you grabbed Katara, and made your way to the water. Katara made an ice platform and you jumped on.

"What do you wish to keep?" You heard loudly in your head.


Then you passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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