Slient Night

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The fire nation ships littered the ocean around the island. A feeling in your stomach to you to leave, but your heart told you to fight.

You yanked the reins to make Kaio turn towards the navy. Water obeyed your every command as you froze over half the fleet. People from the island were already flipping over boats, capsizing them.

Once they were alright on their own you left, staying above water as long as you could.

Kaio swam about 150 miles at full speed, when he started to get tired. Dramatically the rate of travel dropped as he began, merely, to glide. This sudden change also made you exhausted.

The moon was absent that night but the stars were not. You knew you needed sleep, so you took out a blanket from the saddle and wrapped yourself in it.

Kaio rose above, just enough for you to gain warmth, and to sleep. Your breath also aided you in keeping you warm. Just before you were about to sleep the smell of burning woke you up.

You sat up and saw the light in the distance. "A fire nation ship? Out here?" Kaio submerged and followed the ship, where they were going was not anywhere close to civilization.

As you got closer you noticed familiar dents and creases in the metal. It was Azula's ship.

Fear once again washed through you. She wouldn't be able to recognize you with the lightning scars as well as the slightly damaged eye you had, yet Azula was easy to grow suspicious. She was also not kind to strangers.

"Kaio. You go hunt but stay close to this ship." you ordered then made frozen stairs up to the deck. A guard was asleep on the right bow, so you easily were able to sneak on.

The color of your hair would be a give away to who you were and so you used the ink that was packed in your small bag and colored your hair.

Then you walked onto the main deck. Azula was not there, but Tai Lee was. She was practicing her fighting against one of the guards.

The man fell down flat by the time you got over to her. Tai Lee turned to see your injured body and couldn't even recognize you. "Who are you?"

"I am a water bender that was stranded at sea... May I seek refuge on your ship?"

Horror was painted on her face as she saw the scars. "Are you alright?" She ran over to you and held your face in her hands. "Oh god."

Mai walked out and saw you and Tai Lee."who is that?"

You turned towards her to show your burned right eye. Mai covered her mouth in shock and backed away. "Azula!" she screamed for the fourteen year old princess.

Azula walked out to see your injured state. "Hm, did you run into the General or Zuko?"

"I don't know..." you explained honestly. "There was just a lot of ships and fire."

Azula scoffed, "give her to the medic."

Mai walked in front of you as Tai Lee held you up.

They trotted down the hall to the clinic. There they lie you down. Your eyes shut immediately, mimicking sleep.

"Hey Mai, do you think ___ is alright, we never went back to get her." Tai Lee said to the other.

This kept you away from slumber.

Mai paused and turned towards her. "She's probably burned...." she said pausing "or seeking refuge. She can only die when the West gate dies."

"The West Gate?"

Mai sat down on the chair on the far side of the room. "There are four gates. The north gate, the south gate, the west gate, and the east gate"

"Yeah the Avatar is the North Gate this time, right?"

"Yes, the North Gate is for Air. The East is water, the South is earth and the west is fire. Each gate has to be the descendent of the avatar of that element."

"That's why Lord Ozai tried to kill Azula's mother."

"But it skipped a generation, Zuko is the West Gate."

Suddenly Tai Lee snorted, and laughed. "You dated a gate!!!"

"I saw how you looked at ____ so shut up." Mai replied.

Your face heated up a bit, but nothing they noticed.

"Then ___ is a gate?"

"Yes, the descendent of the last water bender avatar. If the avatar Zuko and ____ are allies, it is most certain we will lose."

"Who's the South gate?"

"She is either twelve or over one hundred...We don't know."

Mai walked to your side and examined your injuries. You kept still, afraid she would know you listened on the conversation.

Suddenly you felt a prick on your back. To resist the urge to scream you clamped onto the whistle necklace.

"____ though Azula isn't aware, I know its you..." Mai whispered. "You need to be careful."

Your eyes shot wide open as you turned to face Mai and Tai Lee. They looked at you worriedly. "What happened?"

"Azula's ships attacked the island you sent me to."

Mai's eyes opened wide. "What? She promised she wouldn't until we had you back on the ship!"

"Her spy was discovered and the island executed him I think." you stated "I guess that's why they attacked so soon."

Tai Lee walked over to you and placed a hand on your forehead. "Go to sleep, we will be arriving somewhere important tomorrow. You need your strength." Her face was kind but worried.

"Alright. I'll tell you tomorrow." Then you closed your eyes and succumbed to rest.

Azula's Servant (Zuko x reader)Where stories live. Discover now