Azula's Servant (Zuko x reader)

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Zuko x reader

It was a sunny day in the palace of the fire lord. You were tending to the stairs as Azula walked by, along with Ty lee and Mai. As her voice boomed through the halls you did your best not to eavesdrop on them. The last servant who did was punished severely.

"You servant! Your name." demanded the princess.

You stood respectfully, " (f/n)(l/n) your majesty."

Mai turns toward you. "That sounds nothing like a name used in the fire nation."

"It is not, my family has served here as the water benders for a while. My brother works downstairs directing water through the pipes, I have not been assigned a job yet, though I have been trained."

Ty Lee whispered something in Mai's ear as Mai nodded then whispered to Azula. This made the fire princess smile. "You shall come with us to find not only the avatar but my brother as well." she stated as if you had no choice, actually you didn't.

"I would be honored."

She interrupted "But to prove your worth you will have to fight one of us."

The made your entire body freeze. "I suppose I'll fight you, your highness."

A smirk painted on her face, "twilight, when the sun and moon are both out."

"An hour before, because the moon will rise and make the fight unfair to you."

The three nodded and left. You continued washing the stairs, but with your bending instead. You had to practice, so why not like this?

Later in the day you stood outside waiting for your opponent. You in your red training outfit, with extra protection underneath to block burns from lightning. It wasn't a lot but it would keep you alive.

The trio walked up seeing you in your attire. "Are you ready?" Azula asked giving you another smirk. Unsure you swallowed your nervousness and took a fighting stance. The sun was leaving the sky as she decided to strike.

In seconds Azula sent a blue flame your way. Quickly you dodged it and payed attention to her next strike. You used the water from the pond not far and made a shield.

Again she went to strike but you used the boiling water from her flame to melt a bit of her shoe and then freeze it. Easily she melted it but destroyed the soul of the shoe.

You quickly formed another shield before she could hit you and had small drops of water near her. Once she hit the shield the water encased the flame, then rushed towards her extremely fast.

Some of it got in her mouth and that's how you won. You caused the water to freeze in her throat, which restricted her ability to breathe. In an angered rage and attempt to breathe she started shooting fire blindly. A huge flame came right for Mai and Ty Lee and you panicked. Quickly you let the water in her throat go and jumped in front if them with your shield.

The flame, like a dragon, licked your right cheek causing a nasty burn. It stung, but it wasn't as bad as the prince's. Azula gasped for air and held her throat. Looking over she saw the burn on your cheek. Ty Lee and Mai were surprised how you jumped in front of them seeing they could've easily moved.

Azula looked up and smirked. "Yes, you can be useful... Heal yourself then go to bed in your new chambers. We leave after breakfast."

Only a nod in response and a sign of gratitude came from you as you left to be in your room. You were able to heal the wound close to perfect, but a scar remained. Turning around you saw a bag so you could pack clothing. You packed twelve sets of the same training outfit that you had on, a brush for your teeth and a brush for your hair, a few ribbons for your hair, a container of water, and a clip. You yawned and fell asleep in your elegant bed.

Morning came and you prepared breakfast with the cooks like you usually do. The trio were talking amongst themselves as you brought out the meal.

"(Y/n)?! You are still making breakfast! You're one of us now!" TyLee exclaimed as you served them.

A questionable look crossed your face as Azula added. "No longer are you a normal servant, your job is to help us capture the avatar and my brother."

Slowly you sat down with them as another waitress came out to finish serving the meal. The food was nothing like you ever had. Mai snickered a bit and continued to eat.

Finally it was time to leave. Each of you walked onto the royal barge servants carrying luggage but your own. It made you feel too different to let others do things for you. Eventually the boat began to move.

Suddenly you were called to a table on the deck. Azula and Mai were looking over a map. " (y/n) do you think you could track them?"

"Where were they last?" you ask.

She glanced at the map. "Ba Sing Se."

Thinking for a bit you stated. "Lets try the Western air temple. Aang would go to the place where he closely belongs after getting his pet bison back."

She nodded "To the Western Air temple!" she directed.

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