Honest Fight

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Your (color) hair was styled similar to Katara's, but your dress was still covered in the bag.

"These customs are so intricate... they even have outfits for warriors." Suki exclaimed as she dressed behind the screen. "My outfit is gorgeous..."

"Once again, you're lucky you can see... I can bend my dress... and my hair feels funny..."

Toph was dressed in greens, but not like she would in Bahsingsai. It had cuts on the sides of the skirt for bending. Her top was woven bronze, beautifully laced in the fabric, and the center was the earth symbol.

Suki walked out and showed her dress. The top was a dark brown bodice that hugged her sides and neck, but showed her shoulders. The bottom was floor length and very flowing. "I could fight in this!"

"I think that's the point." Katara said. She was dressed in silver and blues. The silver thread made images of waves along the bottom of the dress. "The ceremony includes everyone bending and ceremonial battles."

You froze in place. "Battles?"

"Miss Lee said the warriors must fight, as do the guests and gates. That mean Suki and Sokka. Toph and I. Aang and the southern gate, and you and Zuko."

"Ah you told her before I could..." Miss Lee said as she leaned on the door frame. "It's all customary, and to make sure guests are all hungry for the large feast and eat the most. I have the ceremonial weapons."

Toph gleamed in excitement as she walked towards the woman.

"Usually it is a blindfold for the earth bender but we have one thing better. Earcovers. This allows you to be with the earth even more."

Toph put on the earcovers then yelled. "They work!"

"Suki, a ceremonial sword and arm guards."

"It's so light, and easy to move... thank you."

"Katara, spirit water from the mouth of the Unagi. This is strong and dangerous when used properly."

"______... a staff."


"The battle between you and Zuko represents how neither of you can go into the avatar state. Therefore you can only use a tool chosen by the Avatar."

"Do I get to practice? Zuko's been training with swords and staffs and spears all his life..."

"Uhm well... no"

Toph laughed "so in otherwords she's going to have her ass kicked?"

Suki and Katara laughed as you sighed and took the staff.

"Now the boys are gone but ______ needs to get into her outfit. No one can see it until the fight." Miss Lee shooed them out of the house and came back to help you.

"I never thought I'd get to see the day the dress of the dragons would be worn."

"There's a special dress for gates?"

"No, for fire water benders. They are extremely rare."

"Are Earth Airbenders also rare?"

She nodded and uncovered the dress. (Picture at the bottom of the chapter)

The top bodice was a sweetheart neckline embellished with gold dragon patterns which followed over the shoulders an around the blue collar. The bodice itself was red that cut short at the sleeves and under the bust, but it traveled to the backside of her waist. The sleeves were a sheer violet but still had gold patterns on the upper arm. Past the elbow the sleeves became red lace and ended at the wrists. The skirt was dark blue trimmed with gold ribbon and a royal blue fabric with a red design. It was beautiful.

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