The Unagi

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 A sigh escaped your lips as your eyes opened. Your vision was back. Quickly you sat up, ignoring your scars screams of pain, and got dressed in one of your outfits, but it had a beautiful dragon pattern on it. Who did that? Where was Miss Lee? Where was that skin bender? Who saved you?

Quickly you ran into the other room and saw Miss Lee embroidering one of you outfits. "Oh! You're up, I made some pastries for when you healed up. I had a feeling today would be the day."

"How long was I asleep?"

"Three days"

You froze for a second "Azula's ship will be here in a day." Then you remembered the skin bender. "They're planning to take over this island!"

Miss Lee stood up and smiled "done." Her eyes showed no worry to the statement you made. "I'm very sorry, I couldn't find any fabric and I just could not stay idle while making sure you were alright so I embroidered your dresses. They seemed to be missing something anyway. "

"T-thank you Miss Lee, but did you hear me at all?!"

A smile graced her lips. "We are very well aware of Fire Princess Azula, including her friends. They are no threat to us,we have our own weapons."

Your eyes widened "Oh?"

Again she smiled, "Let me show you something." She guided you through her house to a room with flowers and butterflies painted on it. In ruby letters the name Lily was engraved. "Make no noise, no sound." said the woman as she opened the door to show Lily meditating. Her body was glowing, highlighting her dark skin and auburn hair. Four rings surrounded her, the first of water, the second was earth, the third was fire (represented as candles), and the last was air. It was only noticeable by the beads that flew around in the current.

Lily's eyes opened, but to show a white glow. "(y/n) remember me? We've spoken before, the spirit of imbalance. Fukinko." Lily's mouth moved accordingly, but her voice was replaced by the old man spirit. "I warn you to stay your distance from the Fire Monarchs, especially the princess. Until we meet will you be safe."

"When will we meet? Where?" you ask ignoring Miss Lee's warning.

"I am not sure, but you will know. Now go! I shouldn't communicate with you it's dangerous." he finishes and Lily shuts her eyes, her body still glowing.

Miss Lee dragged you out of the room. "You must leave."

"What's wrong with Lily?!" you shout.

She sighed looking up "When one door closes another must open, so when the Avatar is not using his Avatar state their counter is."

"So Lily was the one that saved me?!"

"Yes, but you need to go! Azula will be here any minute!"

The entire town was gathered in front of Miss Lee's door, just sitting. When you walked out everyone gasped in surprise and happiness. A few children ran up to hug you including the little girl who's life you saved. Adults shook your hand and many gave you gifts in appreciation. Miss Lee called out to gain everyone's attention. "We have some uninvited guests coming, so we must hide the island, but first we must get (y/n) as far away as possible!"

Someone blew a horn and everyone got to work. A few went to the pantry and grabbed an elephant koi. The giant fish was too heavy just to lift, so a few waterbenders suspended it into the air. Earth and fire benders got to work making a gold harness, while airbenders packaged emergency air packets, as well as foods, camping equipment, and clothes. Other earthbenders made a thin bag for it to go in, as well as made gold, silver, and bronze coins. Your eyes widened how unified these people were once again. Even the children were making extra clothes, and waterproofing books. A smile tugged on miss Lee's face as the town continued working.

After a while you were ready to leave, and waited for them to put the saddle on the elephant koi, but to your surprise they let it go and Miss Lee keep a line on it like bait. What came out of the water next scared you to no end. It was an Unagi. The beast was large, and more importantly carnivorous, riding that thing would be a death wish.

"KAIO!" Miss Lee yelled at the beast, and it's attention changed from the fish to her. It's snake like eyes dilated and blinked leaning down closer to her. Inspite of a roar or hiss, something an average person would expect, it whimpered, like a domesticated dog.

Your face twisted in confusion as the serpent meet eye to eye with Miss Lee. The villagers pushed you forward closer to the Unagi, until you were standing next to Miss Lee. She smiled "(y/n) take the elephant koi and do not worry. Okay?" she said as she bended the water over to you. The fish was large, and had great resistance against your leash. The Unagi's focus turned to you, it's eyes slanted once it realised you had its food. It began to growl, but Miss Lee nodded to him that you were okay.

You raised the fish and gave it to him, in which he ate happily. He hummed in responce and nodded towards Miss Lee. "This is Kaio, he was my friend when I escaped, and he will be yours. Just let him go hunt every now and then. When you blow this flute he'll come." She had him bend down to put the harness on. "This saddle is hollow, but it is white gold. Do not lose it, its the only thing he will allow on himself, that or an ice one." You nodded and straddled the material. The saddle was huge, big enough for four people!(Like appa's saddle) The villagers strapped the items you had in the saddle compartment and waved good bye. Miss Lee smiled and whispered "To dive say jamsu. Now say Ido Ido, and hold tight."

Turning around you waved good bye to the people, and saw Lily running out to wave. A laugh escaped your lips as you saw her pushing her way through. You got off real quick and gave her a hug. "Now be careful Lily and protect Miss Lee, okay?" she nodded and ran over to the said woman and held her hand.

You climbed back up and held onto the bar and yelled "Ido Ido!" Kaio looked back at you and nodded straightening up and skimming the water. You were above the water and saw the island disappearing behind you.

"Now maybe if I find the Avatar, I can talk to that Spirit" you thought, but you were rudely interrupted by the Fire Nation fleet headed right for the islands.

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