Wrong Prince

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Gabriella POV

"Gabby!" I heard Anita shout walking into my room

I still had my eyes shut refusing to wake up, I needed more time to sleep.

"Ella?" She said softly "Orphan girl!

I sat up straight "I told you to never call me that"

"Seems like the only name you answer too" she snaps "Prince George Leonidas wants you outside now!"

I stood up, walked into the bathroom and took care of myself before walking downstairs I waved at the other maids who seemed tired from cleaning after the party.

Last night was strange, I seemed to be having fun. Alec was so sweet for letting me sit on the table even though I was getting weird looks I enjoyed it.

While Alec and the future queen left the party early and Went to sleep I had a great time getting to know George.

"Gabriella!" Prince George exclaims

I curtsied before I stood up straight and smiled "Prince George."

"Everyone addresses me as George he states smiling brightly

"I'm not everyone. I'm a maid" I remind him

"I don't want you to be a maid anymore, I like you Gabriella" he says smirking

I raise an eyebrow "with all due respect my prince we only where together last night for an hour."

"And in that hour I found out you have all the qualities I want in a women, and I thought it was a date." He says touching my arm.

"Half a date, before that I was actually serving drinks and after you left I was also serving drinks" I remedied him

"I do apologise for leaving like that, my brother and I had to take care of a few bastards that tried to steal from us" he says softy

He pressed his lips on my softly kissing me, I kissed him back for a second before pulling away, I looked around and thankful that no one was here.

"You can have any girl you desire, why a maid?"

"I don't care about that. I like you Gabriella, do you like me?" He asked searching my eyes

I didn't like him, but he was a prince and if I said no he would probably kill me at least his really handsome and in a few days he will probably find someone new.

"Of course I like you-"

"Nobody can know about us" he whispers

"Why not?" I asked confused "just minutes ago you where telling me how you didn't care that I was a maid."

"And I don't, but my parents are really old fashioned" he says holding onto my hand "I'm only here for a few days, after that you can come with me, I have a house."

"This is all so fast" I say slowly

"Sweet Gabriella, ask yourself this question" he says searching my eyes "do you want to be a maid forever?"

We just stood their staring at one another, not knowing what to say.

Prince Alec Leonidas P.O.V

Aria cried all night after I told her that I had to leave for a couple of days, she was worried that I wouldn't return.

After a couple minutes of silence, Aria finally spoke, meanwhile I just stood knowing that She was weighing all the options. "I will go and talk to the King and Queen, and I will have them get millions of guards keep your eye on you. This is the forest Alec! Haven't you heard the story's of the fallen me-"

"You will not speak to my parents about this do you understand me?" I asked annoyed

"Don't be mad at me!" She says pouting "please I can't take it when your upset with me"

"I am not upset with you aria, I will be gone for a few days that it all and when I return I promise it will be worth waiting for" I wink while walking downstairs

The guards where all lined outside with their guns and horses, we decided that going into the woods to find the men who where coming into our kingdom and killing our men where going to pay, but if some of our men where in their and needed medical assistance we got some of our maids who got first aid.

To my surprise I saw Gabriella and Anita, with the first aid supplies I walked towards them "you know how to patch up wounds?"

The both nodded without looking at me "where is my brother?"

Anita curtsied and rushed away towards a hoarse.

"He left this morning, he had some business to attend" Gabriella says softly

"Gabriella have you ever been on a horse before ?" I asked curious

"No prince" she says looking up at me

"If your going to get sick then there's no point-"

"I'll be fine" she snaps

"Watch your tone with me Gabriella, I'm not my brother." I warn, walking away.

Gabriella POV

We finally stopped in the middle of the woods and made camp their, luckily the guards bought several tents and rested before we went searching again.

"This is so lame" Anita whispered

We both sat on a two rocks, next to a fire while the prince was in one of his tents resting.

"Where the only ones who know anything about medicine and how to treat wounds"

"No, where the only ones that stepped forward" Anita corrects

"It's better then being aria's drink holder" I joke

"You shouldn't make fun of the future queen if her husband heard you" she whispers

"You need to calm down, prince Alec won't hurt us"

"How can you be so sure?" She asked

I didn't want to tell Anita that I spoke to him a few times, I didn't trust her yet.

"His handsome" she says looking behind me

I turned around and saw a shirtless Alec pouring water on his masculine body, my mouth dropped open at how extremely fit he was.

I turned around quickly so he wouldn't notice that I was checking him out.

"You chose the wrong prince"

"Huh?" I practically shout

"I didn't say anything" Anita said looking at me worriedly

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