So You Want To Battle?

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King Alec Leonidas

George barges into my bedroom, talking abut a war emerging, my mind was somewhere else however. I couldn't get my mind of Gabriella and how her sweet lips tasted, how her skin felt and how her hands had light.

My thoughts got interrupted when I felt an elbow into my rib, my eyes widened in pain as I look beside me to see Aria glaring at me, her face was flushed red and she hid her breasts under the duvet.

"Alec, tell your psychopath brother we are both naked under here."

"I am second in command, you really think I haven't seen it all?" George scoffs is eyes rolling  "Alec, I rounded up our soldiers but they need your authority."

"For what?" I asked shrugging

"Moron, even I know what his talking about" aria says in a harsh tone

"Don't address your king as a moron, you incompetent blabbering bitch" George snaps at my wife, he turns to look at me "The war you moron."

I raise my eyebrows, I had no idea what my brother was talking about. He stood their all stressed.

"Why don't you go fuck the little maid, slutbriella was it?" Aria mumbles under her breathe

"This isn't about the help, what is this war you speak of brother?" I asked trying to change the subject before it dragged on.

"One of our knights is a spy, he was brothers to one of the boys who you murdered that night they tired to kill you...he also was gathering resources" George said looking disappointed "resources such as how many warriors we have, our fighting techniques-"

"He knows everything doesn't he?" I said glaring at my brother

"Yes, and when mother and father find out that you as a king let a traitor into our home-"

"I think this is much more then punishment, if what you're saying is true and they know all our secrets then this whole kingdom is under danger. As I'm the commander and chief I can't let my people poor or rich get caught in this cross fire."

"Why are you speaking as if they're listening?" Aria says "All you need to do is kill them rogues, and if the poor die then so be it."

"That's not right, as a king I'm sworn to protect the people." I said staring at her in disbelief "Male, Female, Black or White everybody is equal here. I wouldn't want to be at a place where it wasn't."

"Alec you're right, but we need to find out if we have any more traitors left in our home then we need to go and speak to those who sent him."

"Well I guess we are going to have to have a little meeting with them aren't we brother?" I said cutting him off

"Boo ya !" Aria said smiling confidently

"Then we are going to kill them all" I stated.

Aria's smile drops and "Boo nah?"

George nods and leaves my room quickly closing the door behind him, I stood up and put on my pants and shirt I could feel her small hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see her completely naked, however I had no time for distractions, I kept my eyes focused on hers.

"this kingdom hasn't been in war for decades you are willing to risk the lives of our people for two men who attacked you first."

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