The Truth Is Out

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Gabriella POV

I felt horrible, i completely went against everything I believed in and tried to seduce a married man. Alec knows I like him and I possibly ruined a friendship. He is a king for god sake what was I thinking, my thoughts got interrupted by a hand on my shoulder.

Turning around I saw Alec half smile, his green eyes sparkling, he let go of me running his hands through his brown locks.

"Hold on, before we leave the woods we should talk about what just happened"

"Theirs nothing to discuss, i was being inappropriate and for that I am sorry" I said genuinely

He looked at me with his intense green eyes. He smiled cautiously. "Theirs no need for an apology."

"Y-yes their is," I said, a slight catch in my voice. I could feel blood rushing to my face. God, how embarrassing. "I was being s-" I was about to say 'Slutty' but it seemed too awkward. She stumbled for words. "I would understand if you want me out of the kingdom right away"

His hand grabbing mine startled me, and i looked up at him with confused eyes, a blush already starting to creep across my cheeks.

"You can leave If that's what you want, but I would be pretty devastated if I couldn't see you everyday."

"I just don't want to make you feel uncomfortable around me-"

"I don't feel uncomfortable around you, quiet the opposite really.. you're one of the few people who I think I can be one hundred percent normal around... you don't view me as a royal.. you don't talk to me like all the others do."

I bit my lip, Alec was a really hard person to read. He was always the mysterious bad boy compared to George his brother who was an open book. Hearing him say all those things made me feel better about the situation.

"I could say the same about you" I said truthfully.

"I need you, I really need you to stay."

"You make me feel safe, you make me feel calm and you make me feel normal. It's like you're-" I stop myself from talking, knowing that it would get me in more trouble.

He walked towards me stepping on some leaves, I took a few steps back and felt something hard on my back, turning my head slightly I realise it's a huge oak tree. I turn to face him now to only see he was directly in front of me

We just stared at each other, still only inches away from each other. A warmness seemed to travel through me, and i suddenly had the urge to lean forward and press my lips to him. He was also starting to lean in.

"Alec" my voice shook in the wake of his green eyes and the holes they were boring into me, I'd never seen this expression on him before. It was similar to that of the look he gave me before.

The nervous fluttering in my stomach kicked up with a power as suddenly i felt him leaning into me, his eyes still locked on mine. A gentle squeeze from his hand,  i found myself leaning more towards him too, Alec's thumb stroking my hand made my body shoot up with electricity.

He used his left hand to cup my face, stroking my cheek while his forehead was now pressed on mine. I stared at his lips, they were perfect, I've never been this close to him before and already felt like my body was going to explode. Imagine what it would be like if we were closer, my face began to heat up just thinking about it.

Have you ever been so wildly attracted to someone you can actually feel it driving you insane. That's what was happening to me right now, I felt like just shouting kiss me but i couldn't, Although it was only moments it felt like a lifetime of us just staring into each others eyes hearing absolutely nothing but the wind.

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