Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Justin's POV

I lightly swung my hand which was interlocked with Selena's back and forth as we walked through the Los Angeles Airport.

"Grandma and grandpa picking us up?" Jason asked, looking up at Selena.

"No, we rented a car so we're going to drive that home." Selena answered.

"Ohhhh, is it a fancy car like the one Daddy drives? The lam...lambo...."He fumbled around trying to remember the name and I smiled at him.


"Yeah that!" 

Selena and I both laughed at his excited face before I actually answered his question.

"No, I got us a Range Rover."

"What's that?" He scrunched up his nose.

"The black one that's like your remote control car." 

"I guess that's cool. I still like your car more though."

"That's because my car is cooler. Isn't that right Selena?" I smirked knowing she didn't really care, as long as the car was comfortable and safe.

"Sure. I mean it's prettier." She shrugged.

We got to the car rental place and I signed all the documents and made the payments then we were on our way.

"Ooohh! Ooohh! And over there is where I had my fourth birthday party!" Jason pointed to a Chucke Cheese's as we passed.

Selena's parent's house came into our view and Jason huffed in the back seat.

"What?" Selena laughed looking back at him.

I glanced at him through the rear-view mirror and saw him frowning with his arms crossed.

"We're already here and I didn't even get to show Justin where I buried Mr. Fish." He whined.

"Well we're here for the entire Christmas vacation so how about we go out one day and you can show me all the places you had in mind?"

"Yeah okay."

I parked the car and got out, taking out the only suitcase we had, which was my own since Selena and Jason both had clothes here, then followed Selena up the porch steps.

She rang the door bell and a few seconds later it was opened by who I assumed was the butler.

"Selena, how nice it is to see you again."

"Hey Brian." She swiftly hugged him making her way inside. 

He hi-fived Jason and then his gaze - well glare- settled on me. 

"I take it you're the Bieber boy that married her." He said in a cold yet professional tone.

"Leave him alone Brian." Selena laughed, tugging on my hands. 

I followed her into the living room, seeing three people sitting there.

"Grandpa!" Jason screamed jumping onto Selena's father's lap who hugged him tightly.

"Hey mom." Selena hugged her and then went over to her father.

He hugged her tightly, "I missed you so much pumpkin."

"I missed you too Dad, but don't call me pumpkin. You know I hate that name." 

"Precisely why I call you it."

She scowled at him and I watched in amusement as a blonde sneaked up behind her.


"Taylor!" Selena screeched throwing her arms around her as they shared a tight hug.

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