Harry Styles & Y/N

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You can't believe it. Your gap year. Tomorrow! You're leaving tomorrow. And not only are you leaving tomorrow, but you're spending it with your boyfriend, Harry. Harry Styles. He's everything you've ever wanted. He's your Everything.

"Y/N!! Y/N!! You haven't packed this!! You are taking it aren't you?"
Harry screams holding up your red thong.
You stare at him with a blank expression on your face.
"Fine. I'll take it." you sigh.
"Yes!!" he mumbles under his breath.
"Doesn't mean I'll use it."
"Yeah you will.. " poking me on my stomach, giggling like a little girl.
God sake. He's like a little kid. A cute adorable little boy.
"Have you even started packing yet?"
"Of course I have babe, it's in that suitcase over there." he says pointing the the bag in the corner.
"That's it? That's all you're taking?"
"Uh... Yeah. Unlike you I have no intentions of sinking a ship."
"Haha very funny. Well if you're lucky I might not be needing many clothes." I say pecking him on the lips. Suddenly his hands make their way to my hips.
"You know how much I would like that don't you?" he says pulling me in for a gentle kiss.
"Ooh! I need my makeup!" you say rushing off to the bathroom.
"Really? That's what you think off when we're kissing? It was getting pretty hot in here and then you go an run off!"
"Aww I'm sorry babe. Sorry I'm not a horny little girl." you say giggling about he cute he is.
"Yeah so am I, otherwise instead of talking we would be making out on that bed right now in nothing but our underwear."
"We'd still have our underwear on? I thought you were faster than that?"
Man that boy makes it too easy.
"No! No! Shut up okay? The only reason we would be in our underwear would be because if you! It would be your fault!! Okay!! I am good at sex!!"
"And I'm not?"
This was getting funnier but the second. Now he's so flustered he can't get his words out properly.
"NO! NO! NO!!!! You are great at sex I just- ugh!"
"Don't worry babe, you're good at sex. Not great, but good." you say with a very cheeky smirk on your face.
"Babe if you were great, we wouldn't be having this conversation, we'd be on that bed doing unspeakable things."
And his hands are back on your hips again. You think you know where this is going....
"Babe, I'll show you great."

And then it gets a little dirty..🙈🙉

Hope you guys liked it... Especially all the Directioners out there.

Please check out my story 'The City Never Sleeps' it would mean heaps to me!!!


If you want me to do an imagine of your own please comment or message me saying what celeb you would like and anything would would like me to include like a plot or something. 💜💙💚




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