Olivia & James Franco (Part 1)

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Thankyou to @avengerlocked for requesting this!! It may be quite long so I'll make either two or three parts to this story. I hope you like it Olivia!!!

Unknown P.O.V (Grade 6)

"You have to promise not to laugh, okay?" Olivia whispered, her eyes floating to the grass below her.
"I promise I won't, when have I ever broken a promise? You tell me everything." Dave said, pulling grass out of the ground. Olivia turned her head to her childhood best friend, looking up at him with her innocent brown eyes.
"I like Stevie.." She said, so quietly it was as if she were talking to no one but herself. Dave hides a slight chuckle, unable to believe Stevie was the mysterious guy she has a crush on.
"You like Stevie? Seriously?? W-Why?" He stuttered, a little too loud for Olivia's liking.
"Shh, everyone will hear you. Look okay, he's really sweet and nice and I know he's a bit of a dork, but I don't see why people pick on him, he's really kind." She uttered while hiding her now rosy cheeks.
"Stevie? The kid with the big trumpet? That Stevie?" He said, still confused as to why she liked him.
"Stop it, okay. Yes I like him."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just find it hard to believe, that's all." Dave said, getting  to his feet, with a hand out to help Olivia up.
She took his offer, standing up next to him, wiping the grass off of her jeans.
"Come on lets go, you don't want to be late for baseball."
As he starts to make his way up the pathway, Olivia stayed back, her feet planted on the green grass.
"You have to promise you won't tell anyone, not even James." She said, still standing on the grass and Dave still standing on the edge of the pathway.
"I promised, didn't I?" Dave whispered, a smirk plastered on his face.
"Come on Liv, you know I won't tell." Pulling her in for a hug, resting his head upon hers.


"If x equals 2, then y must... No no no y is 9. Wait hand on, is x 4? Well that can't be - oh stuff it." She whispered to herself, slamming her math textbook shut and leaning back into her big, black chair.
"Need some help?" James's voice asked from my doorway behind me.
"No that's okay, I can do it later, I'm really not in the mood to do it now anyway."  I said, getting from my chair and making my way over to my bed.
"No, no you have to do it. It's due tomorrow." He said, walking over to my bed and throwing me over his shoulder in one swift move.
"SHIT!! PIT ME DOWN FOR GODS SAKE!!" I screamed. I kept yelling as I repeatedly hit his back, in hopes of him putting me down.
He sits me down on my desk chair, pushing it into my desk. I turned around to James to find him crouching down at my side.
"Come on, you have to do it." He whispered, grabbing a pen for me.
"I hate maths. It's pointless."

"See? We're done. So now you can stop whining, it's annoying." He said, emphasising the word annoying. I thanked him and got out of my chair, packing up my books into my bag.
"Come on, we're going bowling. You deserve a treat". James grabbed my wrist, pulling me out of the doorway.
"But wha-" I started, but was soon interrupted but James taking about how he doesn't care and leaves a note and with that we were gone.

This might not make any sense but it just shows their relationship as kids. In the next part hopefully this all makes sense.

Anyway I hope you liked the first part, there will most likely be two more parts. Hopefully the next part is better because this was not very good but we'll see how we go!!!✌🏻️



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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