Eugenia & Selena Gomez (Part 2)

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So @EugeniaHx requested me to do a part two to her imagine, which I think is a great idea along with the plot (credit to Eugenia for the idea) which I have especially enjoyed writing!!

Hope you like it Eugenia!

Here's Part One (if you haven't read it)


As I'm collecting my books from my locker to go home, I spot Selena Gomez. She is just simply beautiful, some say she's the spitting image of a goddess. Then there's me, yeah move on nothing to see here. Trust me I'm nothing special. But she is. God she has the key to my heart and I wish she would realise that my heart is waiting to be unlocked. But it needs to be her.

Selena's P.O.V

From all the faces in this surrounding crowd the beautiful features of Eugenia stop me in my tracks. She's so pretty, and honestly I think I love her. I've always wanted to tell her but I never have the courage. If only she knew...

*A few months later*

Eugenia's P.O.V

"Sorry" we both murmured, with my head inside my book and Selena with hers in her phone.
"Eugenia?" Selena asked.
"Uh- hi. Hi S-Selena."
"How have you.. Uh how have you been?"
"Not bad, Uh you? "
"Yeah I've been good."
Wow she is so beautiful. Her brown eyes staring back into mine, almost like we had a... moment. All of a sudden I do something I never thought I would do.
"Can I kiss you?"
And with that our lips crashed into each others, fireworks exploding with every second passing. This is no ordinary kiss. This is full of passion and love and I wish we could freeze time and stay in this moment forever. Our lips move perfectly in sync, not caring who sees. My heart is breaking into a million pieces and my head is spinning in circles. I have no control and honestly she has me under her spell. She's so magically mesmerising I would give in to anything she said. We pulled apart to breathe for air, but she never leant back in.
"Eugenia, I love you, I really truly love you."
Oh my god. She loves me. A smile so wide spread across my face as I uttered the words;
"I love you too."
Then our lips collied with hers again and the sparks were erupting all around us. This time I pulled away, having to know something before going any further.
"What are we?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well I was hoping you may be able to become my girlfriend."
Oh god. I basically just asked her out. What if she says no?
"Girlfriend? I could get used to that."
Then we slowly reconnect our lips and the passion explodes in our hearts. This is something I could get used to.


Part Two!! *Six Months Later*

"I am so happy you're here!! You have no idea how much it means to me to have you here while I'm filming!!"
And it was true. You could see the happiness within her. In her eyes, her smile, even her hands, which were moving around so quickly with so much excitement.

Selena worked so hard to be able to do this video. Although this isn't the first video she's done or anything, she just really wanted to make one since this song means so much to her, to the both of us. Honestly I am so proud of her, just because her label didn't originally want her to do a video for this song, but she fought and fought until they saw her side of things, which is one of the things I love about her, she never gives up.

"Hey! Guess what? They hired Dylan O'Brien to be in the vid!! He's really big right now and it will make it that much better!!"
Great. How can I watch her get down and dirty with someone else. Yeah.... That's right. Did I mention the video is going to be a hot, sexy, steaming video of darkness.

"Great!!" I say, putting on the best and fakest smile I could.

And then he walks in. Sure he's good looking but he looks like a "I love me and I'm better than you" kind of guy. I know, I know, I shouldn't judge but......

~ 2 Hours later ~

As I'm watching them film the video, I can't help but be jealous. Jealous that isn't me. Jealous it has to be him. It feels like I just hit face first down from hell, but I can't help it. I should be proud, and I am, but that jealousy seems to be slowing pushing that feeling away, so much so, that by time I reach home, I don't feel it. I don't feel proud. I feel jealous. I shouldn't feel like that, I have nothing to worry about, and yet I do.

~ Last day of Editing ~

"Wow, this was so worth it." She whispers under her breath.
Honestly I can't stand to watch her, watch her with that guy. Who by the way is a total jerk and over the last week, hasn't exactly impressed me too much. And guess what? The jerk is sooo great, that he's late to the final day of filming/editing. He missed the first official screening of the video! How could he be late? Does he not even care?
Then it gets to the sexiest, most hands on part of all. I can't even look. That's how pathetic I am. I turn my head to rest it on Selenas. My eyes fill with tears just thinking about it.

I can't do it, I just can't. I start walking away towards the end of the video. Once I hear everyone cheering and clapping, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around, my eyes red and puffy from the tears as find myself staring into Selenas eyes.

"Eugenia, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
"No I'm not. Okay? I'm not."
"Tell me what's up."
And that's when the jealousy takes over and completely engulfs me within it.
"Please, like you don't know, I mean you were the one getting all touchy-feely with 'Mr. I'm too good for you'!!"
"What are you talking about?? I was just acting!!"
"Yeah sure you were!! You beg me to come and then do that in my face, then force me to watch it a million times!"
"FORCE YOU?? I didn't force you to do anything!!! I just wanted you to be there because I thought you would be proud of me and be excited but clearly I was wrong!!!"
"Wowww!!! That's the first time I've heard you say that before!!! Can you just- can you repeat that for me!!!?!!!!??"
Then I stop and do something I should've done before. I think.
What are doing? Fighting like this, it isn't us, we don't do this. And over some stupid jealousy? It's not right. I can't believe it.
"I'm sorry." I mumble as quietly as I could, afraid of the response.
"Really? Are you really sorry? Because I don't think you are!"
"I am, really. I should have been proud of you, you're right. I shouldn't of got that jealous that it causes this much chaos. This isn't us. We don't fight like this. It's pathetic."
"You really mean that?"
"Of course I do."
"I don't know, maybe you're right. We don't do this do we? And I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have gotten so mad about it. I mean if that were you, well I'd be really jealous too. But I must say, you're pretty sexy when you're jealous. I like it."
"Come here." I say chuckling while pulling her into a huge hug. Just to feel her warmth is enough to make me believe that she won't leave. That she won't give up on us. And as for me? Well if be crazy if I ever even thought about leaving her.

Hope you liked it Eugenia!!!!

If you want one of your own please message me and say who you would like and whatever you would like me to include!!!

Please check out my story 'The City Never Sleeps' and please;
Comment!! I love hearing what you have to say!!

Please stay safe, stay happy and have a great day and until next time........ Byeeee

Love Sarah

Xoxo 💜💜

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