2: Deadpool

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[WARNING: This is a Deadpool fight chapter, so it's kinda super bloody and gory and contains quite a few swears. I put a things that says where the violence ends. If you hate violence, skip to there.]

Deadpool sat on the edge of the Brooklyn Bridge, humming along with the music playing from the little radio beside him. He had two pencils in his hands and was tapping them against his knees, matching the rhythm of the drums in the song. He kept an eye on the water below, watching for one specific boat. He suddenly looked up and waved, as if he were on camera.

"Hey guys! Deadpool here. You probably want to know why the fuck I'm sitting on a bridge," he began, grinning through the red and black mask over his head. "Well, I was sent on a mission by my big boss-man and I need to kill some people on a boat. I'm looking for one specific boat, as the narrator already told you. There are some Russian guys who hate my employers coming, so I get to kill them for money! Fun, right?"

The cars passed behind him and Deadpool waited, drumming intensely on his thighs as the song picked up. He spotted a boat downstream heading his way and clipped the small radio to his belt, standing up. He looked into the distance and grinned, giving a thumbs up.

"Wish me luck, guys." With that, he jumped off the bridge.

Deadpool hit the deck of the ship between two guys and punched them, kicking the guy in front of him. He grabbed his gun and shot all three in the head while they were down before moving alone, whistling a tune as he walked across the ship.

"Russian guys, Russian guys, Deadpool's gonna shoot between your eyes," he sang quietly, keeping to the tune of the Spider-Man "theme song."

"Excuse me?" A heavily accented voice called from above. Deadpool looked up, raising an arm to wave. A bullet tore through his arm and the guy bolted.

"OUCH! Are you seeing this, guys?" Deadpool said as he looked through the clean hole in his arm. "That sonofabitch. I'm gonna go kill him." Deadpool put his gun back in his belt and grabbed his katanas out of their sheaths of his back and broke into a sprint.

He tackled the guy who shot a hole through his arm and stabbed him through the chest. The guy sputtered blood and fell limp. Deadpool kicked him back and examined the katana, sighing.

"That motherfucker got my blade dirty!" He sat on the floor and grabbed the guy's shirt, using it to wipe the blood off his sword. He sheathed it and used another part of the dead man's shirt to wipe the blood that had been spattered on his suit. "Dumbass dying people." He shook his head and got up, walking toward the main cabin. "They don't seem to know how hard it is to get bloodstains out of things. How inconsiderate." He kicked open the cabin door with his heavy boot and waltzed inside. It was empty except for one woman sitting at a table.

[Violence over]

"How can I help you?" she asked. She had an English accent and short hair that was probably blonde at one point but was now extremely dirty. She acted happy but Deadpool could tell that she was having trouble keeping up the facade.

"Yeah, hi. I was wondering where I could find some ugly Russian dudes?" He took a seat in a chair across the table and put his feet up.

"My boss is busy right now. Can I put you in for a meeting some other time?" She had a pencil in her hand and started to write on a piece of paper. Her hand was shaking violently and the softer side of Deadpool took over.

He took off the mask, revealing his mop of dirty blond hair and crystal blue eyes. He took his feet off the table and slowly walked over to her, the mask bunched in his hand. "My name's Wade. Are they keeping you here?" The woman looked around, eyes darting nervously. She looked him right in the eyes and he could see her fear. "Can't say?" She nodded. "How about you write it down?" She nodded and frantically scrawled a few words on the paper before sliding it toward Wade.

Captive. Help me

Wade nodded. "Can you tell me where I can find this boss of yours?" She nodded and took the paper back. When she handed it to him, there was a set of directions written on it. He nodded and leaned down, kissing her cheek. "I'll get you out of here, okay?" She nodded, smiling slightly. "I'll be right back." He pulled the mask back on and Wade disappeared, replaced with Deadpool.

"Don't get scared, sweetheart." He slipped out of the room and the woman pulled out a walkie-talkie from under the table.

"He's coming," she whispered into it.

"Good work," a dark gravelly voice said from the device. She smirked.

"No problem, boss."


When Deadpool reached his destination, he looked around in confusion. He was just where the woman told him to go; in the middle of the cargo section of the ship. He heard the sound of a chopper taking off and ran out of the room, making his way to the upper desk. About fifty feet above the ship was a helicopter, three guys and a girl inside. It was the woman from the cabin and Deadpool swore at himself.

"Fuck you, Deadpool you dumb bitch! Of course she was working with them! Oh, but she was good! I know, right?" He was fuming and the woman leaned out of the side of the chopper, looking down at him with a twisted grin. The copter stayed in one spot and she lifted her hand. Deadpool could see a small device in her hand and her finger hovered over a red button.

"Bomb!" he shouted. "That bitch is gonna blow me up! How fucking rude!" He sighed and thought hard about Peter. He felt the explosion around him and the blast knocked him forward. He ran into a wall and fell back onto the ground, fighting to catch his breath.

"Wade!" a familiar voice screamed. He felt hands rip off his mask and grab his face. He could hear but it sounded like he was underwater. He couldn't breathe and he couldn't open his eyes or think straight. He felt like he was falling; falling through time, falling through space, falling out of everything he'd ever had. And suddenly, he fell out of consciousness.

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