17: Home Sweet Home, I Guess

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Peter actually liked the hospital more than he thought he would. His nurse was one of his best friends, which was awesome. His doctor was really funny and made him laugh so hard his stomach hurt (though his stomach always hurt; one of the downsides of getting shot in the gut). A few days after he was rescued, his family threw him a little birthday party in his hospital room.

Peter had been lying in bed, totally crushing Wade at a game of Guess Who, when Tony and Steve came inside, followed by Natasha and Clint. Then Bucky, Wanda, Pietro, Thor, Sam, Scott, Bruce, Matt, and Vision. Vision was carrying a cake, though the candles weren't lit. Wade took the Guess Who boards and Vision set the cake on Peter's table, the boy watching in confusion and surprise.

"What is this?" he asked once everyone was in the room.

"Happy Birthday!" they yelled at once. Peter laughed.

"It's not my birthday anymore, guys."

"Shut up," Natasha said.

"Yeah! We kind of missed your birthday because of... Ya know, but now we're having a party!" Bucky explained.

"Yeah, I figured."

"Alright, blow out the candles!" Tony instead. Peter rolled his eyes but smiled anyways and blew out the candles. He might have been in the hospital because he was kidnapped and tortured, but it was a pretty great birthday party.

The next week, Harry came to see him. He didn't notice at first; he was too busy beating Wade in an intense game of Go-Fish. Wade stopped suddenly, putting his cards down (face-down; he wasn't about to let Peter see what he had) and standing up.

"I honestly didn't think you were still alive," Wade muttered in disbelief, walking over to Harry and pulling him in for a hug.

"I just moved back from Europe. My dad's gotten even worse, so he needs more help than he ever has.

"Harry!" Peter exclaimed from the bed, a grin on his face. "How are you? What brings you here?"

"Well, I heard you were in the hospital and I decided to come see you. How are you?" Peter shrugged.

"I'm alright. Got kicked around bit, shot a few times, but I'm doing alright. I get out in a few weeks, and it's not that bad in here anyway."

"That's good," Harry commented, taking the other seat beside the bed.

"Yo Harry, guess who Peter's got as a nurse!" Wade said suddenly, picking up his cards and looking at Harry with a sly grin.


"The one and only Mary-Jane Watson." Harry's cheeks flushed pink and he smiled slightly. "I knew it! You were totally crushing on her since like, sophomore year! Maybe you can have your chance!"

"I doubt that," Harry muttered. "I heard she's engaged."

"Shit, no way?" Peter gasped. "Good for her!" He noticed the look on Harry's face and sighed. "Sucks for you though, doesn't it? Look man, you're a great guy."

"Super great guy," Wade agreed. Peter shot him a look.

"You're bound to find someone who likes you. And listen, I know for a fact that at least eight girls liked you freshman year," Peter continued. "You've got the charms, the smarts, and you've got the looks too."

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