31: We're Husbands

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(It's 1:42 AM and I didn't proofread this at all! Get excited! -MBAD)

Most people don't get married before they turn 21. Most people are able to drink at their own wedding reception. Most people aren't Spider-Man, and most people don't marry impossible-to-kill mutants. Peter Parker is, luckily, not most people. He's twenty years and eleven months old. He's been Spider-Man for about five years now, and he's been dating his fiancé for about four. Peter's just finished his first year of college three months ago, and once he got home for the summer he and his darling fiancé, Wade Wilson, dove right into wedding-planning mode. They weren't doing anything too fancy, nothing too flashy or too dramatic. They were just having a little ceremony with their friends and families, followed by a sick-ass party with those same people. Basically, it's gonna be awesome.

At this exact moment Peter is pacing his parents' bedroom. His hair is immaculately styled and so full of hair spray that there is likely no force on earth that could move it. He's not dressed yet; he's pacing very quickly and very nervously across the room in his boxer-briefs and his undershirt and his tall black socks. His tux is laid out on the bed. It's a pair of black slacks, neatly pressed, and a deep red tuxedo jacket. Wade would be wearing the exact same thing; they had decided to match completely rather than wear complimenting colors. Peter has a blue flower that needs to be pinned to the jacket's lapel, but his hands are too shaky to do it himself.

He's excited. The nervous pacing might make it look otherwise, but he's so excited. He's just also scared. And how can you not be the tiniest bit scared? Him and Wade have always been real, but it's really real now. There's no going back. And he wants that, god he wants that. He's so in love, it's insane. And it's scary. But it's also exhilarating, and picturing the rest of his life with the dumbass down the hall from him is wonderful and amazing and he could cry just thinking about it. But he's not even twenty-one yet and he's a young man and he's got his whole life ahead of him and he's scared.

Down the all, that dumbass Peter's going to marry is fully dressed and practically bouncing off the walls. He won't stop fiddling with his ring and he's undone and redone his cufflinks at least twenty times in the last five minutes, and now he's humming and if he doesn't just be quiet and stay still, Bucky might actually kill him. Bucky, unfortunately, has been put in charge of Wade for the time being. He's supposed to make sure Wade is dressed and ready and that everything relating to Wade's half of the wedding responsibilities are all set. Wade has double and triple-checked everything, and then checked it again for good measure, and now he feels like he's going crazy locked up in this room.

"Just relax," Bucky groans for what he feels like is the fiftieth time that day, but is really only the tenth. "Everything is gonna go fine, stop freaking out."

"I'm not freaking out," Wade snaps, turning sharply to face Bucky, who's in his gray suit lounging on a couch against the wall. "I just want to be married."

"Then you just need to wait, man."

"I'm sick of waiting."

"Tough shit. You want something, you gotta be willing to wait for it."

Wade really wanted to tell him off, to tell Bucky to shut it, this isn't his day, this is Wade's day and Wade's sick of waiting and waiting is stupid. But Bucky is the master of waiting. Bucky is the one guy who knows that good things come to those who wait. So Wade decided to keep his mouth shut.

Half an hour later, Peter is finally dressed. He was certain he already sweated through his shirt, but it didn't matter because now his body was thrumming and his mind was buzzing with excitement. He was standing with his dads on either side of him, waiting. Wade was across the aisle in another room with Logan. They decided they didn't want one of them to walk down the aisle to the other, so they were just going to meet in the middle where Bruce was standing.

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